Is there any way to kill the process which went to uninterruptible sleep (D) state??

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at
Fri Feb 7 16:56:43 UTC 2014

On Fri, 7 Feb 2014 15:43:55 +0000
Kevin Peterson wrote:

> Is there any way to kill the process which went to uninterruptible sleep (D) state due of some reason without rebooting machine??

Generally speaking, no, but I have sometimes seen that if a single thread
of a multi-threaded process gets into this state, killing all the
other threads before the one that is in D state sometimes manages
to kill off the process (but it isn't very reliable).

Also, if systemd thinks that process is somehow part of something
it desperately needs to wait for, you might not be able to shutdown
cleanly either. Might want to use the -f option on systemctl poweroff
to force a shutdown while still trying to get the local disks
synced properly.

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