'module' object has no attribute 'RPMSENSE_GREATER'

T.C. Hollingsworth tchollingsworth at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 02:08:50 UTC 2014

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 9:46 PM, Stephen Davies <sdavies at sdc.com.au> wrote:
> I think I need to start with force reloading of the original Python setup.
> Could you please advise on how to do this.

It will be a lot easier if you have another Fedora system or virtual
machine with a working yum.  If you don't, you'll have to manually
locate and download all the packages from the rpm query and the core
interpreter packages from http://download.fedoraproject.org/ which
would be time-consuming and painful.  With another system with a
working yum, you can let the working yum do all the heavy lifting for

On your broken system, obtain a list of all Python libraries and
packages and save it to a file:
rpm -q --qf='%{name}\n' --whatrequires 'python(abi)' > /tmp/pypkgs

You'll notice that python-rpm is included in that list along with any
other RPMs that install stuff into
/usr/lib{,64}/python2.7/site-packages/.  Unfortunately, anything you
installed with 'pip' or 'easy_install' won't be reflected in that, but
I fear those are already lost.  You'll have to manually restore them
with pip or easy_install after this is all done, since pip doesn't
seem to log installs anywhere by default AFAICT.

Anyway, now you can copy that file to the box with the working yum.
Then, on that system with the working yum, create a temporary
directory to download all the packages to and cd to it:
mkdir /tmp/pyrpms
cd /tmp/pyrpms

Download the core interpreter packages for F17 x86_64:
yumdownloader --releasever=17 --archlist=x86_64 python python-libs python-devel

Download all the packages from the file you copied from the broken system:
cat /tmp/pypkgs | xargs yumdownloader --releasever=17 --archlist=x86_64

Now copy that directory to the broken system.  Make sure the
/usr/local/ python is out of the way, then reinstall the core
interpreter packages:
rpm -Uvh --force python-2.7* python-libs-* python-devel-*

At this point you should be able to invoke 'python' and 'import this'

Now, you can move them out of the way so you don't reinstall them twice:
mv python-2.7* python-libs-* python-devel-* /tmp

Then reinstall all the remaining packages:
rpm -Uvh --force *

yum ought to work now!

I'd suggest at this point you fedup to a supported version of Fedora
(19 or 20), enable RPMFusion [1], then 'yum install freecad' from
there to avoid any more trouble.  ;-)


[1] http://rpmfusion.org/Configuration

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