Consistent device naming

Russell Miller duskglow at
Wed May 14 00:39:02 UTC 2014

On May 13, 2014, at 5:33 PM, CLOSE Dave <Dave.Close at> wrote:
> I want to run the same software on all of these machines and having 
> inconsistent names /between/ the machines makes that next to impossible. 
> Using the new names means that my software has to learn all those 
> different names and can't easily determine which name applies to the 
> motherboard port. Using the old names means it can't predict which name 
> will be given to which port.
> There's got to be a better answer.

... don't use Fedora?

Just kidding.  Sort of.

Assuming since you're posting here that that's not an option :)  You could learn to love the default udev nomenclature,
or you could add rules to /etc/udev.d/rules (or whatever the equivalent is) that tie MAC addresses to specific interface
names.  It would require a little bit of script-fu, but assuming a competently managed key or password infrastructure,
shouldn't take more than an hour or two.

Prepare for a whole lot more issues, though.  Upgrading from 13 is a significant upgrade, and there's lots that will go wrong.
Particularly on mongrel hardware like yours.


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