Passwords stored by Firefox

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Sun Feb 15 11:37:19 UTC 2015

On Sun, 2015-02-15 at 01:04 -0600, g wrote:
> an interesting page on "needles";

"supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" gave interesting numbers, but all
you need was three obscure, unrelated, words (e.g. bluepigsskiing) to
come up with some ridiculously difficult to crack passphrases (such as
by dictionary attacks).  They don't even have to be hard to type.  

I just don't buy into this malarkey that they must contain numbers,
symbols, and other awkward to type characters.  Brute force cracking is
going to be done by a machine, not a human, and they can easily throw
them into the mix.

But I'm going to go out on a limb, and say that I'm sure that *most*
people pick stupid ones.  Ones that get tried by default (e.g. 1234,
password, remember, etc.), and ones that are easily guess by someone who
knows just a little bit about you (family and pets names, dates, etc).

tim at localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp

Linux 3.18.5-101.fc20.i686 #1 SMP Mon Feb 2 21:36:31 UTC 2015 i686

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