Wireless can't ping wireless

Jim Lewis jim at jklewis.com
Sat Jan 24 03:25:06 UTC 2015

> On 01/24/15 09:59, bruce wrote:
>> Just sort of following the thread.
>> Does this same behaviour happen if you have a separate box running a
>> different distro? Can it not ping as well?
>> Curious.
> Sort of doing the same as well....
> FWIW, the router itself has a "diagnostic" screen and one option is to
> ping an IP address.  So, wonder if the OP has tried pinging a wireless
> system directly from the router.
> Also, another tool to try would be tcping.

  Now why did I not think to try pinging from the router itself? It's a
good damn thing I am retired. Anyway, that is an excellent idea and was
going to try it. However, now, for some reason, both Fedora 21 boxes can
be shutdown, or their wireless interface disabled, and when brought back
up can be pinged without a problem from my wired computer. Bizarre. I'll
keep watching this. When it happens again I'll try pinging from the

  The original problem is still there. I cannot ping from wireless to
wireless. I have three Fedoras and one Ubuntu systems, all wireless. No
box can ping another one while wireless. They can all access the
Internet just fine. They can all ping to a wired box. The wired box can
ping/ssh into them (I currently have 4 ssh sessions open, 1 for each
laptop). If I change to the wired interface it works as expected. Yes, I
am using the correct IP (gee even I can do that correctly). I'm back to
being convinced this is a router issue. It's too bad the jerks at
LinkSys wanted me to pay them to attempt to get it resolved.

  I'll look into tcping and/or tcpdump soon.

Jim Lewis

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