dividing up the wiki?

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Wed Aug 21 16:15:55 UTC 2013

On Wed, 21 Aug 2013 10:33:27 -0400
Matthew Miller <mattdm at fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> I've been thinking a little bit about why our collaborative
> documenation, and, you know, why it's a painful mess despite all of
> the awesome interested people we have. I think that part of it is
> that our wiki is intimidating, and I think that's partly because we
> use the wiki in different ways all together:
>   1. End-user and developer documentation that isn't as formalized as
> that at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/ but is still very useful.
>   2. Workspace for communication, like the features / changes pages,
> the font request workflow, or even just the packages wishlist.
>   3. Free-for-all drafts and ideas that may eventually turn into one
> of the above and may go no where, but shouldn't really be mixed in
> because it's not at that level.
> I wonder if there's a way we can make the distinction more obvious,
> and steer people appropriately?

Well, mediawiki does have 'namespaces'... we have some things seperated
out in those... ie, QA and packaging and Legal, but that doesn't really
help too much (it's mostly useful for permissions). 

We could run multiple wiki's... but that increases support costs and
also means moving drafts to 'real' is more difficult. 

The wiki search function is horrible and always has been. ;( 

We at some point before too long want to move the wiki to a postgres
backend (it's using mysql now), and so if we wanted to make radical
changes that would be the time to do so. ;) 

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