[Zarafa] Zarafa 7.0.8 has been submitted to updates-testing

Robert Scheck robert at fedoraproject.org
Sun Jun 24 22:49:21 UTC 2012

Good evening,

Zarafa 7.0.8 has been submitted to updates-testing (EPEL 5 and 6, Fedora
15, 16, 17 and Rawhide). Here is the full list of changes in Zarafa 7.0.8

Zarafa Collaboration Platform 7.0.8 final [35178]


This is a recommended upgrade for 7.0.7 users. Also various community
reported issues from IRC and forum were resolved along with a customer
requested feature. The minor feature additions in this release are; a stmp
header is added to emails that are forwarded, replied or redirected via a
rule. And changed the deletion of orphaned stores. They are no longer kept
for the duration of the soft delete retention time, it will now be deleted
at the next soft delete purge. Also the spooler will now log the message ID
that it will receive when it is handed over to the smtp server.


- ZCP-10156: Install.sh does not install zarafa-contacts.
- ZCP-10007, ZCP-9948: Zarafa-backup tool will give error when you have
  item with a new line in the subject.
- ZCP-9918, ZCP-9900: Zarafa-backup and Zarafa-restore may crash when index
  file contains an empty line.
- ZCP-9876, ZCP-9370: Check if TEMP has enough space when upgrading Zarafa
  6.x to 7.x.
- ZCP-10022, ZCP-10013: '-C' option is missing from archiver man page.
- ZCP-9893, ZCP-9872: Update copyright year.
- ZCP-9873, ZCP-8634: Kerberos documentation no longer up to date for Samba
  3.4 and newer.
- ZCP-10039, ZCP-9771: First occurrence still visible in caldav after
  creating a recurrence which does not occur on the creation date.
- ZCP-9895, ZCP-9870: Indexer parser script can give errors on RPM based
- ZCP-10077, ZCP-9945: Zarafa-mr-accept still has copyright year 2011.
- ZCP-9967, ZCP-9303: Let the Zarafa-mr-accept script reply in localised
  response message.
- ZCP-9877, ZCP-9829: Optimize-imap script per user.
- ZCP-9303: Let the Zarafa-mr-accept script reply in localised response
- ZCP-9866, ZCP-9551: Zarafa-admin --user-count doesn't show correct
  numbers after adding CALs and restarting licensed.
- ZCP-10003, ZCP-9932: The ZMT uses too much memory (when migratin from
  Scalix) which causes the Scalix connecto to throw a CMemoryException,
  which is caught nowhere.
- ZCP-9974, ZCP-9960: The ZMT should support Zarafa -> Exchange migration.
- ZCP-10084, ZCP-9983: Syntax error on msr main.py.
- ZCP-9946, ZCP-9419: Zarafa-msr does not exit when multiple threads were
- ZCP-10092: setAllExceptionRecipients loops forever in
  class.recurrence.php causing high load in apache.
- ZCP-9941, ZCP-9907: Fix MAPI error code definitions.
- ZCP-10100, ZCP-9424: Log users that are being looked for in LDAP.
- ZCP-10094, ZCP-10024: Error in LDAP paged search request, can lead to
  deletion of users/companies.
- ZCP-10026, ZCP-9997: The changes filter is wrong when an add, change or
  flag change and a softdelete for the same object are returned in the same
  list of changes.
- ZCP-9995, ZCP-9984: Offline database upgrade is showing confusing message
  in German.
- ZCP-9929, ZCP-9795: Zarafa-fsck reports invalid property on recurrent
  calendar items created on iPhone.
- ZCP-9928, ZCP-9727: Zarafa-fsck wants to remove distribution list.
- ZCP-9927, ZCP-9880: Hosted db plugin sendas rights removed after user
- ZCP-9926, ZCP-9911: Invalid user data in cache and returned from
- ZCP-9909, ZCP-9632: Remove some lines in 7 upgrade procedure in the
  Zarafa-server as it will confuse user.
- ZCP-9841, ZCP-9261: Attachments only get a recordkey after the container
  message and the attachment are reopened.
- ZCP-9711, ZCP-9705: Deadlocks can easily occur in the search code when
  search folders with adjecent hierarchy ids's are populated
- ZCP-10045, ZCP-9512: Segfault zarafa-server 6.40.14.
- ZCP-9896, ZCP-9722: Add the ability to hard delete orphan stores directly
  (bypassing the soft delete system).
- ZCP-9692: Server sends wrong data to spooler, forcing the spooler to
- ZCP-10095, ZCP-9989: PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS present on folders causes ICS
- ZCP-10086, ZCP-9934: Zarafa-client-update daily crontab deletes client
  update msi's.
- ZCP-10033: Unable to create companies due to incorrect table definitions.
- ZCP-9978, ZCP-9957: archiver test leave lingering properties.
- ZCP-9940, ZCP-9923: ECsIndexProp should initialize all variable on the
  right way.
- ZCP-9897, ZCP-9391: Project: Folder counters out of range repair
- ZCP-9875, ZCP-9842: Russian text breaks in meeting request.
- ZCP-9814, ZCP-9329: Zarafa-admin is unable to request updated quota
- ZCP-10076, ZCP-10055: Zarafa-spooler segfault 7.0.7.
- ZCP-9935: Add SMTP header indicating that an email was sent because of
  some reply/forward type rule.
- ZCP-9863, ZCP-9838: Add logging to spooler what will report that email is
  actually accepted by smtp server.


- ZCP-10080, ZCP-10004: Patch PHP 5.4 compatible webaccess.
- ZCP-10047, ZCP-9850: Script error in IE when opening attach item window.
- ZCP-9865, ZCP-9846: Recurring reminder not shown on the reminder time.

You should be able to update to Zarafa 7.0.8 by using something like:

  yum update --enablerepo=updates-testing 'zarafa*'

on all Fedora releases and for Fedora EPEL you should use the following:

  yum update --enablerepo=epel-testing 'zarafa*'

After testing, please add positive or negative karma to the Zarafa packages
in Bodhi:


And if you should find bugs or issues, please fill a bug report in Red Hat
Bugzilla as described here:


Your feedback is very much appreciated.

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