dirsrvtests/data/ticket47988/schema_ipa3.3.tar.gz |binary
dirsrvtests/data/ticket47988/schema_ipa4.1.tar.gz |binary
dirsrvtests/tickets/ticket47988_test.py | 576 ++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 576 insertions(+)
New commits:
commit 50f3f5ac245f3021873e8abc248fe389370d723d
Author: Thierry bordaz (tbordaz) <tbordaz(a)redhat.com>
Date: Mon Jan 26 11:15:56 2015 +0100
Ticket 47988: test case
diff --git a/dirsrvtests/data/ticket47988/schema_ipa3.3.tar.gz b/dirsrvtests/data/ticket47988/schema_ipa3.3.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b309a0
Binary files /dev/null and b/dirsrvtests/data/ticket47988/schema_ipa3.3.tar.gz differ
diff --git a/dirsrvtests/data/ticket47988/schema_ipa4.1.tar.gz b/dirsrvtests/data/ticket47988/schema_ipa4.1.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84de0e9
Binary files /dev/null and b/dirsrvtests/data/ticket47988/schema_ipa4.1.tar.gz differ
diff --git a/dirsrvtests/tickets/ticket47988_test.py b/dirsrvtests/tickets/ticket47988_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e5e6fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dirsrvtests/tickets/ticket47988_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+Created on Nov 7, 2013
+@author: tbordaz
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import ldap
+import logging
+import socket
+import time
+import logging
+import pytest
+import re
+import tarfile
+import stat
+import shutil
+from random import randint
+from lib389 import DirSrv, Entry, tools
+from lib389.tools import DirSrvTools
+from lib389._constants import *
+from lib389.properties import *
+from lib389._constants import *
+from constants import *
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# important part. We can deploy Master1 and Master2 on different versions
+installation1_prefix = None
+installation2_prefix = None
+TEST_REPL_DN = "cn=test_repl, %s" % SUFFIX
+OC_NAME = 'OCticket47988'
+MUST = "(postalAddress $ postalCode)"
+MAY = "(member $ street)"
+OTHER_NAME = 'other_entry'
+BIND_NAME = 'bind_entry'
+BIND_DN = 'cn=%s, %s' % (BIND_NAME, SUFFIX)
+BIND_PW = 'password'
+ENTRY_NAME = 'test_entry'
+ENTRY_DN = 'cn=%s, %s' % (ENTRY_NAME, SUFFIX)
+ENTRY_OC = "top person %s" % OC_NAME
+def _oc_definition(oid_ext, name, must=None, may=None):
+ oid = "" % oid_ext
+ desc = 'To test ticket 47490'
+ sup = 'person'
+ if not must:
+ must = MUST
+ if not may:
+ may = MAY
+ new_oc = "( %s NAME '%s' DESC '%s' SUP %s AUXILIARY MUST %s MAY %s )" % (oid, name, desc, sup, must, may)
+ return new_oc
+class TopologyMaster1Master2(object):
+ def __init__(self, master1, master2):
+ master1.open()
+ self.master1 = master1
+ master2.open()
+ self.master2 = master2
+def topology(request):
+ '''
+ This fixture is used to create a replicated topology for the 'module'.
+ The replicated topology is MASTER1 <-> Master2.
+ At the beginning, It may exists a master2 instance and/or a master2 instance.
+ It may also exists a backup for the master1 and/or the master2.
+ Principle:
+ If master1 instance exists:
+ restart it
+ If master2 instance exists:
+ restart it
+ If backup of master1 AND backup of master2 exists:
+ create or rebind to master1
+ create or rebind to master2
+ restore master1 from backup
+ restore master2 from backup
+ else:
+ Cleanup everything
+ remove instances
+ remove backups
+ Create instances
+ Initialize replication
+ Create backups
+ '''
+ global installation1_prefix
+ global installation2_prefix
+ #os.environ['USE_VALGRIND'] = '1'
+ # allocate master1 on a given deployement
+ master1 = DirSrv(verbose=False)
+ if installation1_prefix:
+ args_instance[SER_DEPLOYED_DIR] = installation1_prefix
+ # Args for the master1 instance
+ args_instance[SER_HOST] = HOST_MASTER_1
+ args_instance[SER_PORT] = PORT_MASTER_1
+ args_master = args_instance.copy()
+ master1.allocate(args_master)
+ # allocate master1 on a given deployement
+ master2 = DirSrv(verbose=False)
+ if installation2_prefix:
+ args_instance[SER_DEPLOYED_DIR] = installation2_prefix
+ # Args for the consumer instance
+ args_instance[SER_HOST] = HOST_MASTER_2
+ args_instance[SER_PORT] = PORT_MASTER_2
+ args_master = args_instance.copy()
+ master2.allocate(args_master)
+ # Get the status of the backups
+ backup_master1 = master1.checkBackupFS()
+ backup_master2 = master2.checkBackupFS()
+ # Get the status of the instance and restart it if it exists
+ instance_master1 = master1.exists()
+ if instance_master1:
+ master1.stop(timeout=10)
+ master1.start(timeout=10)
+ instance_master2 = master2.exists()
+ if instance_master2:
+ master2.stop(timeout=10)
+ master2.start(timeout=10)
+ if backup_master1 and backup_master2:
+ # The backups exist, assuming they are correct
+ # we just re-init the instances with them
+ if not instance_master1:
+ master1.create()
+ # Used to retrieve configuration information (dbdir, confdir...)
+ master1.open()
+ if not instance_master2:
+ master2.create()
+ # Used to retrieve configuration information (dbdir, confdir...)
+ master2.open()
+ # restore master1 from backup
+ master1.stop(timeout=10)
+ master1.restoreFS(backup_master1)
+ master1.start(timeout=10)
+ # restore master2 from backup
+ master2.stop(timeout=10)
+ master2.restoreFS(backup_master2)
+ master2.start(timeout=10)
+ else:
+ # We should be here only in two conditions
+ # - This is the first time a test involve master-consumer
+ # so we need to create everything
+ # - Something weird happened (instance/backup destroyed)
+ # so we discard everything and recreate all
+ # Remove all the backups. So even if we have a specific backup file
+ # (e.g backup_master) we clear all backups that an instance my have created
+ if backup_master1:
+ master1.clearBackupFS()
+ if backup_master2:
+ master2.clearBackupFS()
+ # Remove all the instances
+ if instance_master1:
+ master1.delete()
+ if instance_master2:
+ master2.delete()
+ # Create the instances
+ master1.create()
+ master1.open()
+ master2.create()
+ master2.open()
+ #
+ # Now prepare the Master-Consumer topology
+ #
+ # First Enable replication
+ master1.replica.enableReplication(suffix=SUFFIX, role=REPLICAROLE_MASTER, replicaId=REPLICAID_MASTER_1)
+ master2.replica.enableReplication(suffix=SUFFIX, role=REPLICAROLE_MASTER, replicaId=REPLICAID_MASTER_2)
+ # Initialize the supplier->consumer
+ properties = {RA_NAME: r'meTo_$host:$port',
+ RA_BINDDN: defaultProperties[REPLICATION_BIND_DN],
+ RA_BINDPW: defaultProperties[REPLICATION_BIND_PW],
+ repl_agreement = master1.agreement.create(suffix=SUFFIX, host=master2.host, port=master2.port, properties=properties)
+ if not repl_agreement:
+ log.fatal("Fail to create a replica agreement")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ log.debug("%s created" % repl_agreement)
+ properties = {RA_NAME: r'meTo_$host:$port',
+ RA_BINDDN: defaultProperties[REPLICATION_BIND_DN],
+ RA_BINDPW: defaultProperties[REPLICATION_BIND_PW],
+ master2.agreement.create(suffix=SUFFIX, host=master1.host, port=master1.port, properties=properties)
+ master1.agreement.init(SUFFIX, HOST_MASTER_2, PORT_MASTER_2)
+ master1.waitForReplInit(repl_agreement)
+ # Check replication is working fine
+ master1.add_s(Entry((TEST_REPL_DN, {
+ 'objectclass': "top person".split(),
+ 'sn': 'test_repl',
+ 'cn': 'test_repl'})))
+ loop = 0
+ while loop <= 10:
+ try:
+ ent = master2.getEntry(TEST_REPL_DN, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)")
+ break
+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ loop += 1
+ # Time to create the backups
+ master1.stop(timeout=10)
+ master1.backupfile = master1.backupFS()
+ master1.start(timeout=10)
+ master2.stop(timeout=10)
+ master2.backupfile = master2.backupFS()
+ master2.start(timeout=10)
+ #
+ # Here we have two instances master and consumer
+ # with replication working. Either coming from a backup recovery
+ # or from a fresh (re)init
+ # Time to return the topology
+ return TopologyMaster1Master2(master1, master2)
+def _header(topology, label):
+ topology.master1.log.info("\n\n###############################################")
+ topology.master1.log.info("#######")
+ topology.master1.log.info("####### %s" % label)
+ topology.master1.log.info("#######")
+ topology.master1.log.info("###################################################")
+def _install_schema(server, tarFile):
+ server.stop(timeout=10)
+ here = os.getcwd()
+ tmpSchema = '/tmp/schema_47988'
+ if not os.path.isdir(tmpSchema):
+ os.mkdir(tmpSchema)
+ for the_file in os.listdir(tmpSchema):
+ file_path = os.path.join(tmpSchema, the_file)
+ if os.path.isfile(file_path):
+ os.unlink(file_path)
+ os.chdir(tmpSchema)
+ tar = tarfile.open(tarFile, 'r:gz')
+ for member in tar.getmembers():
+ tar.extract(member.name)
+ tar.close()
+ st = os.stat(server.schemadir)
+ os.chmod(server.schemadir, st.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IRUSR )
+ for the_file in os.listdir(tmpSchema):
+ schemaFile = os.path.join(server.schemadir, the_file)
+ if os.path.isfile(schemaFile):
+ if the_file.startswith('99user.ldif'):
+ # only replace 99user.ldif, the other standard definition are kept
+ os.chmod(schemaFile, stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR)
+ server.log.info("replace %s" % schemaFile)
+ shutil.copy(the_file, schemaFile)
+ else:
+ server.log.info("add %s" % schemaFile)
+ shutil.copy(the_file, schemaFile)
+ os.chmod(schemaFile, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP)
+ os.chmod(server.schemadir, st.st_mode | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP)
+def test_ticket47988_init(topology):
+ """
+ It adds
+ - Objectclass with MAY 'member'
+ - an entry ('bind_entry') with which we bind to test the 'SELFDN' operation
+ It deletes the anonymous aci
+ """
+ _header(topology, 'test_ticket47988_init')
+ # enable acl error logging
+ mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsslapd-errorlog-level', str(8192))] # REPL
+ topology.master1.modify_s(DN_CONFIG, mod)
+ topology.master2.modify_s(DN_CONFIG, mod)
+ mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsslapd-accesslog-level', str(260))] # Internal op
+ topology.master1.modify_s(DN_CONFIG, mod)
+ topology.master2.modify_s(DN_CONFIG, mod)
+ # add dummy entries
+ for cpt in range(MAX_OTHERS):
+ name = "%s%d" % (OTHER_NAME, cpt)
+ topology.master1.add_s(Entry(("cn=%s,%s" % (name, SUFFIX), {
+ 'objectclass': "top person".split(),
+ 'sn': name,
+ 'cn': name})))
+ # check that entry 0 is replicated before
+ loop = 0
+ entryDN = "cn=%s0,%s" % (OTHER_NAME, SUFFIX)
+ while loop <= 10:
+ try:
+ ent = topology.master2.getEntry(entryDN, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", ['telephonenumber'])
+ break
+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ loop += 1
+ assert (loop <= 10)
+ topology.master1.stop(timeout=10)
+ topology.master2.stop(timeout=10)
+ #install the specific schema M1: ipa3.3, M2: ipa4.1
+ schema_file = os.path.join(topology.master1.getDir(__file__, DATA_DIR), "ticket47988/schema_ipa3.3.tar.gz")
+ _install_schema(topology.master1, schema_file)
+ schema_file = os.path.join(topology.master1.getDir(__file__, DATA_DIR), "ticket47988/schema_ipa4.1.tar.gz")
+ _install_schema(topology.master2, schema_file)
+ topology.master1.start(timeout=10)
+ topology.master2.start(timeout=10)
+def _do_update_schema(server, range=3999):
+ '''
+ Update the schema of the M2 (IPA4.1). to generate a nsSchemaCSN
+ '''
+ postfix = str(randint(range, range+1000))
+ OID = '2.16.840.1.113730.3.8.12.%s' % postfix
+ NAME = 'thierry%s' % postfix
+ value = '( %s NAME \'%s\' DESC \'Override for Group Attributes\' STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn ) MAY sn X-ORIGIN ( \'IPA v4.1.2\' \'user defined\' ) )' % (OID, NAME)
+ mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'objectclasses', value)]
+ server.modify_s('cn=schema', mod)
+def _do_update_entry(supplier=None, consumer=None, attempts=10):
+ '''
+ This is doing an update on M2 (IPA4.1) and checks the update has been
+ propagated to M1 (IPA3.3)
+ '''
+ assert(supplier)
+ assert(consumer)
+ entryDN = "cn=%s0,%s" % (OTHER_NAME, SUFFIX)
+ value = str(randint(100,200))
+ mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'telephonenumber', value)]
+ supplier.modify_s(entryDN, mod)
+ loop = 0
+ while loop <= attempts:
+ ent = consumer.getEntry(entryDN, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", ['telephonenumber'])
+ read_val = ent.telephonenumber or "0"
+ if read_val == value:
+ break
+ # the expected value is not yet replicated. try again
+ time.sleep(5)
+ loop += 1
+ supplier.log.debug("test_do_update: receive %s (expected %s)" % (read_val, value))
+ assert (loop <= attempts)
+def _pause_M2_to_M1(topology):
+ topology.master1.log.info("\n\n######################### Pause RA M2->M1 ######################\n")
+ ents = topology.master2.agreement.list(suffix=SUFFIX)
+ assert len(ents) == 1
+ topology.master2.agreement.pause(ents[0].dn)
+def _resume_M1_to_M2(topology):
+ topology.master1.log.info("\n\n######################### resume RA M1->M2 ######################\n")
+ ents = topology.master1.agreement.list(suffix=SUFFIX)
+ assert len(ents) == 1
+ topology.master1.agreement.resume(ents[0].dn)
+def _pause_M1_to_M2(topology):
+ topology.master1.log.info("\n\n######################### Pause RA M1->M2 ######################\n")
+ ents = topology.master1.agreement.list(suffix=SUFFIX)
+ assert len(ents) == 1
+ topology.master1.agreement.pause(ents[0].dn)
+def _resume_M2_to_M1(topology):
+ topology.master1.log.info("\n\n######################### resume RA M2->M1 ######################\n")
+ ents = topology.master2.agreement.list(suffix=SUFFIX)
+ assert len(ents) == 1
+ topology.master2.agreement.resume(ents[0].dn)
+def test_ticket47988_1(topology):
+ '''
+ Check that replication is working and pause replication M2->M1
+ '''
+ _header(topology, 'test_ticket47988_1')
+ topology.master1.log.debug("\n\nCheck that replication is working and pause replication M2->M1\n")
+ _do_update_entry(supplier=topology.master2, consumer=topology.master1, attempts=5)
+ _pause_M2_to_M1(topology)
+def test_ticket47988_2(topology):
+ '''
+ Update M1 schema and trigger update M1->M2
+ So M1 should learn new/extended definitions that are in M2 schema
+ '''
+ _header(topology, 'test_ticket47988_2')
+ topology.master1.log.debug("\n\nUpdate M1 schema and an entry on M1\n")
+ master1_schema_csn = topology.master1.schema.get_schema_csn()
+ master2_schema_csn = topology.master2.schema.get_schema_csn()
+ topology.master1.log.debug("\nBefore updating the schema on M1\n")
+ topology.master1.log.debug("Master1 nsschemaCSN: %s" % master1_schema_csn)
+ topology.master1.log.debug("Master2 nsschemaCSN: %s" % master2_schema_csn)
+ # Here M1 should no, should check M2 schema and learn
+ _do_update_schema(topology.master1)
+ master1_schema_csn = topology.master1.schema.get_schema_csn()
+ master2_schema_csn = topology.master2.schema.get_schema_csn()
+ topology.master1.log.debug("\nAfter updating the schema on M1\n")
+ topology.master1.log.debug("Master1 nsschemaCSN: %s" % master1_schema_csn)
+ topology.master1.log.debug("Master2 nsschemaCSN: %s" % master2_schema_csn)
+ assert (master1_schema_csn)
+ # to avoid linger effect where a replication session is reused without checking the schema
+ _pause_M1_to_M2(topology)
+ _resume_M1_to_M2(topology)
+ #topo.master1.log.debug("\n\nSleep.... attach the debugger dse_modify")
+ #time.sleep(60)
+ _do_update_entry(supplier=topology.master1, consumer=topology.master2, attempts=15)
+ master1_schema_csn = topology.master1.schema.get_schema_csn()
+ master2_schema_csn = topology.master2.schema.get_schema_csn()
+ topology.master1.log.debug("\nAfter a full replication session\n")
+ topology.master1.log.debug("Master1 nsschemaCSN: %s" % master1_schema_csn)
+ topology.master1.log.debug("Master2 nsschemaCSN: %s" % master2_schema_csn)
+ assert (master1_schema_csn)
+ assert (master2_schema_csn)
+def test_ticket47988_3(topology):
+ '''
+ Resume replication M2->M1 and check replication is still working
+ '''
+ _header(topology, 'test_ticket47988_3')
+ _resume_M2_to_M1(topology)
+ _do_update_entry(supplier=topology.master1, consumer=topology.master2, attempts=5)
+ _do_update_entry(supplier=topology.master2, consumer=topology.master1, attempts=5)
+def test_ticket47988_4(topology):
+ '''
+ Check schemaCSN is identical on both server
+ And save the nsschemaCSN to later check they do not change unexpectedly
+ '''
+ _header(topology, 'test_ticket47988_4')
+ master1_schema_csn = topology.master1.schema.get_schema_csn()
+ master2_schema_csn = topology.master2.schema.get_schema_csn()
+ topology.master1.log.debug("\n\nMaster1 nsschemaCSN: %s" % master1_schema_csn)
+ topology.master1.log.debug("\n\nMaster2 nsschemaCSN: %s" % master2_schema_csn)
+ assert (master1_schema_csn)
+ assert (master2_schema_csn)
+ assert (master1_schema_csn == master2_schema_csn)
+ topology.master1.saved_schema_csn = master1_schema_csn
+ topology.master2.saved_schema_csn = master2_schema_csn
+def test_ticket47988_5(topology):
+ '''
+ Check schemaCSN do not change unexpectedly
+ '''
+ _header(topology, 'test_ticket47988_5')
+ _do_update_entry(supplier=topology.master1, consumer=topology.master2, attempts=5)
+ _do_update_entry(supplier=topology.master2, consumer=topology.master1, attempts=5)
+ master1_schema_csn = topology.master1.schema.get_schema_csn()
+ master2_schema_csn = topology.master2.schema.get_schema_csn()
+ topology.master1.log.debug("\n\nMaster1 nsschemaCSN: %s" % master1_schema_csn)
+ topology.master1.log.debug("\n\nMaster2 nsschemaCSN: %s" % master2_schema_csn)
+ assert (master1_schema_csn)
+ assert (master2_schema_csn)
+ assert (master1_schema_csn == master2_schema_csn)
+ assert (topology.master1.saved_schema_csn == master1_schema_csn)
+ assert (topology.master2.saved_schema_csn == master2_schema_csn)
+def test_ticket47988_6(topology):
+ '''
+ Update M1 schema and trigger update M2->M1
+ So M2 should learn new/extended definitions that are in M1 schema
+ '''
+ _header(topology, 'test_ticket47988_6')
+ topology.master1.log.debug("\n\nUpdate M1 schema and an entry on M1\n")
+ master1_schema_csn = topology.master1.schema.get_schema_csn()
+ master2_schema_csn = topology.master2.schema.get_schema_csn()
+ topology.master1.log.debug("\nBefore updating the schema on M1\n")
+ topology.master1.log.debug("Master1 nsschemaCSN: %s" % master1_schema_csn)
+ topology.master1.log.debug("Master2 nsschemaCSN: %s" % master2_schema_csn)
+ # Here M1 should no, should check M2 schema and learn
+ _do_update_schema(topology.master1, range=5999)
+ master1_schema_csn = topology.master1.schema.get_schema_csn()
+ master2_schema_csn = topology.master2.schema.get_schema_csn()
+ topology.master1.log.debug("\nAfter updating the schema on M1\n")
+ topology.master1.log.debug("Master1 nsschemaCSN: %s" % master1_schema_csn)
+ topology.master1.log.debug("Master2 nsschemaCSN: %s" % master2_schema_csn)
+ assert (master1_schema_csn)
+ # to avoid linger effect where a replication session is reused without checking the schema
+ _pause_M1_to_M2(topology)
+ _resume_M1_to_M2(topology)
+ #topo.master1.log.debug("\n\nSleep.... attach the debugger dse_modify")
+ #time.sleep(60)
+ _do_update_entry(supplier=topology.master2, consumer=topology.master1, attempts=15)
+ master1_schema_csn = topology.master1.schema.get_schema_csn()
+ master2_schema_csn = topology.master2.schema.get_schema_csn()
+ topology.master1.log.debug("\nAfter a full replication session\n")
+ topology.master1.log.debug("Master1 nsschemaCSN: %s" % master1_schema_csn)
+ topology.master1.log.debug("Master2 nsschemaCSN: %s" % master2_schema_csn)
+ assert (master1_schema_csn)
+ assert (master2_schema_csn)
+def test_ticket47988_final(topology):
+ topology.master1.delete()
+ topology.master2.delete()
+def run_isolated():
+ '''
+ run_isolated is used to run these test cases independently of a test scheduler (xunit, py.test..)
+ To run isolated without py.test, you need to
+ - edit this file and comment '@pytest.fixture' line before 'topology' function.
+ - set the installation prefix
+ - run this program
+ '''
+ global installation1_prefix
+ global installation2_prefix
+ installation1_prefix = None
+ installation2_prefix = None
+ topo = topology(True)
+ test_ticket47988_init(topo)
+ test_ticket47988_1(topo)
+ test_ticket47988_2(topo)
+ test_ticket47988_3(topo)
+ test_ticket47988_4(topo)
+ test_ticket47988_5(topo)
+ test_ticket47988_6(topo)
+ test_ticket47988_final(topo)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ run_isolated()