Author: nhosoi
Update of /cvs/dirsec/adminserver/admserv/newinst/src In directory
Modified Files: Added Files: Log Message: resolves: #249739 Summary: Implement a script registering DS to the Configuration DS (comment #1-4)
--- NEW FILE --- # BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK # This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple # Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. # # In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional # right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU # General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations # including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code # permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program # through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION # found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of # Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from # the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by # the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or # additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General # Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used # in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this # exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your # version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to # provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception # statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without # exception. # # # Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # END COPYRIGHT BLOCK #
package RegDSDialogs;
use strict;
use DialogManager; use Setup; use Dialog; use Util;
my $configdsinfo = new Dialog ( $TYPICAL, 'use_existing_configds_txt', sub { my $self = shift; my $servid = $self->{manager}->{inf}->{slapd}->{ServerIdentifier}; return $servid; }, sub { my $self = shift; my $ans = shift; my $index = shift; my $res = $DialogManager::SAME; $self->{manager}->setType($TYPICAL); if ($index == 0) { # validate serverIdentifier? foreach my $inst (@{$self->{manager}->{inf}->{slapd}->{Instances}}) { if ( "$inst" eq "slapd-" . $ans ) { $self->{manager}->{inf}->{slapd}->{ServerIdentifier} = $ans; $res = $DialogManager::NEXT; goto out; } } out: if ( $DialogManager::SAME == $res ) { $self->{manager}->alert("error_configds_txt", $ans); } return $res; } return $res; }, ['dialog_dsserverid_prompt'] );
sub getDialogs { return ($configdsinfo); }
--- NEW FILE --- #!/usr/bin/env perl # BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK # This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple # Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. # # In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional # right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU # General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations # including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code # permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program # through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION # found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of # Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from # the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by # the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or # additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General # Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used # in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this # exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your # version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to # provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception # statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without # exception. # # # Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # END COPYRIGHT BLOCK #
use lib "@perldir@";
use File::Basename; use Net::Domain qw(hostfqdn);
# Admin Setup modules use AdminUtil; use AdminServer;
# Directory Setup modules use Resource; use Setup; use SetupLog; use DialogManager; use Inf; use Util;
sub reg_get_passwd { my $setup = shift; my $key = shift; my $value = shift;
print("\n==============================================================================\n"); $setup->msg(0, $key, $value); system("stty -echo"); my $ans = <STDIN>; system("stty echo"); print "\n"; chop($ans); return $ans; }
my $res = new Resource("@propertydir@/register-ds-admin.res", "@propertydir@/setup-ds-admin.res", "@propertydir@/setup-ds.res");
my $setup = new Setup($res);
$setup->msg('begin_ds_registration'); # get existing instances my $instconfigdir = $setup->{configdir}; my @instances = (); for my $dir (glob("$setup->{configdir}/slapd-*")) { if (-d $dir) { push @instances, basename($dir); } } if ( $#instances < 0 ) { $setup->msg($FATAL, 'error_no_ds'); $setup->doExit(1); }
# see if there is already a configds my $admConf = AdminUtil::getAdmConf("$instconfigdir/admin-serv"); my @admConfKeys = keys %$admConf; my $orig_confdsid = ""; my $new_confdsid = ""; my $adminuid = ""; my @errs = (); my $fqdn = hostfqdn();
# set defaults if ( $#admConfKeys >= 0 ) { # Admin Server is installed; that is Config DS exists, which may be # replaced with a new one in the RegDSDialogs $orig_confdsid = getLocalConfigDS("$instconfigdir/admin-serv"); $setup->{inf}->{slapd}->{ServerIdentifier} = $orig_confdsid; $setup->{inf}->{slapd}->{Instances} = @instances; $setup->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryLdapURL} = $admConf->{ldapurl}; $setup->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryAdminID} = $admConf->{userdn}; $setup->{inf}->{General}->{AdminDomain} = $admConf->{AdminDomain}; $setup->{inf}->{General}->{SuiteSpotUserID} = $admConf->{SuiteSpotUserID}; $setup->{inf}->{General}->{SuiteSpotGroup} = $admConf->{SuiteSpotGroup}; ($setup->{inf}->{General}->{FullMachineName} = $admConf->{ldapurl}) =~ s/.*://(.*):[0-9]*/.*/\1/; $setup->{inf}->{admin}->{SysUser} = $admConf->{sysuser}; $adminuid = $admConf->{userdn};
# read additional config from config DS my $pset = AdminUtil::getPset($admConf); if ($pset && %{$pset}) { $setup->{inf}->{admin}->{Port} = $pset->{"configuration.nsserverport"}; $setup->{asorigport} = $pset->{"configuration.nsserverport"}; # save orig. port $setup->{inf}->{admin}->{ServerIpAddress} = $pset->{"configuration.nsserveraddress"}; } my $admpw = AdminUtil::getAdmpw($admConf); if ($admpw && %{$admpw}) { $setup->{inf}->{admin}->{ServerAdminID} = $admpw->{ServerAdminID}; $setup->{inf}->{admin}->{ServerAdminPwd} = $admpw->{ServerAdminPwd}; } $setup->{reconfigas} = 1; # allow AS reconfig
my $dialogmgr = new DialogManager($setup, $res, $TYPICAL);
require RegDSDialogs;
my @dialogs = RegDSDialogs->getDialogs();
my $rc = $dialogmgr->run(); if ($rc) { $setup->doExit(1); }
$new_confdsid = $setup->{inf}->{slapd}->{ServerIdentifier}; my $newinst = "slapd-$new_confdsid"; my $inf = createInfFromConfig("$instconfigdir/$newinst", $newinst); if ( NULL == $inf ) { $setup->msg($FATAL, 'error_create_inf_from_config', "$instconfigdir/$newinst"); $setup->doExit(1); }
if ( $orig_confdsid ne $new_confdsid ) { # To switch to the new Config DS, unregister the old one print("\n==============================================================================\n"); $setup->msg('unregister_old_confds', $orig_confdsid); # If we don't have it, prompt for the Admin password if (!$setup->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd} || "" eq $setup->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd}) { $ans = reg_get_passwd($setup, 'input_admin_passwd', $adminuid); $setup->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd} = $ans; } while (!unregisterDSWithConfigDS($orig_confdsid, @errs, $setup->{inf})) { $setup->msg($FATAL, 'error_unregister_ds', $orig_confdsid); $ans = reg_get_passwd($setup, 'input_admin_passwd', $adminuid); $setup->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd} = $ans; @errs = (); } # updating the port number my $oldport = 0; my $newport = $inf->{slapd}->{ServerPort}; ($oldport = $setup->{inf}->{General}->{ldapurl}) =~ s/.*:([0-9]*)/.*/\1/; $setup->{inf}->{General}->{ldapurl} =~ s/$oldport/$newport/; $setup->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryLdapURL} = "ldap://" . $fqdn . ":". $newport . "/o=NetscapeRoot"; } # Set the new inf to $setup->{inf} $setup->{inf}->{slapd} = $inf->{slapd}; } else { # Admin Server is not set up. # @instances has more than one instance # note: this is orig_confdsid is just a candidate... ($orig_confdsid = $instances[0]) =~ s/slapd-(.*)/\1/; my $originst = "slapd-$orig_confdsid"; my $inf = createInfFromConfig("$instconfigdir/$originst", $originst); if ( NULL == $inf ) { $setup->msg($FATAL, 'error_create_inf_from_config', "$instconfigdir/$originst"); $setup->doExit(1); } $setup->{inf} = $inf; $setup->{inf}->{slapd}->{ServerIdentifier} = $orig_confdsid; $setup->{inf}->{slapd}->{Instances} = @instances;
my $dialogmgr = new DialogManager($setup, $res, $TYPICAL);
require RegDSDialogs; require SetupDialogs; require ConfigDSDialogs; require ASDialogs;
my @dialogs = RegDSDialogs->getDialogs();
my $rc = $dialogmgr->run(); if ( $rc ) { $setup->doExit(1); } $new_confdsid = $setup->{inf}->{slapd}->{ServerIdentifier}; if ( $orig_confdsid ne $new_confdsid ) { my $newinst = "slapd-$new_confdsid"; $inf = createInfFromConfig("$instconfigdir/$newinst", $newinst); if ( NULL == $inf ) { $setup->msg($FATAL, 'error_create_inf_from_config', "$instconfigdir/$newinst"); $setup->doExit(1); } $setup->{inf}->{slapd} = $inf->{slapd}; $setup->{inf}->{slapd}->{Instances} = @instances; } $setup->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryLdapURL} = "ldap://" . $fqdn . ":". $setup->{inf}->{slapd}->{ServerPort} . "/o=NetscapeRoot";
$dialogmgr->resetDialog(); @dialogs = SetupDialogs->getRegDialogs(); push @dialogs, ConfigDSDialogs->getRegDialogs(); push @dialogs, ASDialogs->getDialogs();
$rc = $dialogmgr->run(); if ( $rc ) { $setup->doExit(1); } $adminuid = $setup->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryAdminID}; }
# Get the ConfigDS's rootDN password print("\n==============================================================================\n"); $setup->msg('register_new_confds', $new_confdsid); $setup->{inf}->{slapd}->{RootDNPwd} = reg_get_passwd($setup, 'input_rootdn_passwd', $new_confdsid);
if ( ($#admConfKeys >= 0 && ($orig_confdsid ne $new_confdsid)) || $#admConfKeys < 0 ) { @errs = (); # First, let's register the Configuration Directory itself while (!createConfigDS($setup->{inf}, @errs)) { foreach my $err (@errs) { if ( $err eq "suffix_already_exists" ) { goto out; } } $setup->{inf}->{slapd}->{RootDNPwd} = reg_get_passwd($setup, 'input_rootdn_passwd', $new_confdsid); @errs = (); } out: }
# If we don't have it, prompt for the Admin password if (!$setup->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd} || "" eq $setup->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd}) { $ans = reg_get_passwd($setup, 'input_admin_passwd', $adminuid); $setup->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd} = $ans; }
@errs = (); while (!registerDSWithConfigDS($new_confdsid, @errs, $setup->{inf})) { $setup->msg($WARN, 'error_register_configds', $new_confdsid); $ans = reg_get_passwd($setup, 'input_admin_passwd', $adminuid); $setup->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd} = $ans; @errs = (); }
my $hassubinst = 0; # Then, register the rest of the Directory Servers, if any my @subinstances = (); # array without the Config DS foreach my $subinst (@instances) { if ( "$subinst" ne "slapd-" . $new_confdsid ) { if ( 0 == $hassubinst ) { $hassubinst = 1; print("\n==============================================================================\n"); $setup->msg('register_subds'); } my $subid = $subinst; $subid =~ s/slapd-//; push(@subinstances, ($subinst)); my $subinf = createInfFromConfig("$instconfigdir/$subinst", $subinst); if ( NULL == $subinf ) { $setup->msg($FATAL, 'error_create_inf_from_config', "$subinstconfigdir/$subinst"); $setup->doExit(1); } $setup->{inf}->{slapd} = $subinf->{slapd}; $setup->{inf}->{slapd}->{RootDNPwd} = reg_get_passwd($setup, 'input_rootdn_passwd', $subid); while (!createSubDS($setup->{inf}, @errs)) { $setup->msg($FATAL, @errs); $setup->msg($FATAL, 'error_create_configds'); $setup->{inf}->{slapd}->{RootDNPwd} = reg_get_passwd($setup, 'input_rootdn_passwd', $subid); } } }
if ( $#subinstances >= 0 ) { @errs = (); if ( !registerManyDSWithConfigDS($setup->{inf}, @errs, $instconfigdir, @subinstances) ) { $setup->msg($FATAL, @errs); $setup->doExit(1); } }
# configure and register the admin server instance # need these 3 values for ldapStart $setup->{inf}->{slapd}->{ServerIdentifier} = $new_confdsid; $setup->{inf}->{slapd}->{UseExistingMC} = "yes"; $setup->{inf}->{slapd}->{SlapdConfigForMC} = "yes"; if ( !$setup->{reconfigas} ) { if ( !createAdminServer($setup) ) { $setup->msg($FATAL, 'error_create_adminserver'); $setup->doExit(1); } } else { if ( !reconfigAdminServer($setup) ) { $setup->msg($FATAL, 'error_reconfig_adminserver'); $setup->doExit(1); } } $setup->msg('end_ds_registration');
--- NEW FILE --- begin_ds_registration = Beginning registration of the Directory Server
use_existing_configds_txt = Do you want to use this server as Configuration Directory Server?\n\n
unregister_old_confds = Cleaning up old Config DS: %s\n
register_new_confds = Registering new Config DS: %s\n
register_subds = Registering Sub DSes:
end_ds_registration = Finished registration of the Directory Server
input_rootdn_passwd = Please input the Directory Manager password on the server %s:
input_admin_uid = Please input the password for the Administrator User ID: [%s]
input_admin_passwd = Please input the password for the Administrator User %s:
input_userid = Please input the UNIX user id to run the server: [%s]
input_groupid = Please input the UNIX group id to run the server: [%s]
error_configds_txt = Error: the server ID %s does not exist. Choose server ID existing on the host.\n
error_opening_instconfdir = Error: could not open config dir %s: %s\n\nDirectory Servers may not be set up yet.\nPlease run\nNote: once you run, the server is automatically registered.\n
error_no_ds = Error: could not find a Directory Server instance.\n\nDirectory Server may not be set up yet.\nPlease run\nNote: once you run, the server is automatically registered.\n
error_create_inf_from_config = Error: could not retrieve necessary info from %s. Please check the file.\n
error_register_configds = Error: failed to register the configuration server info to the Configuration Directory Server %s.\n
error_register_subds = Error: failed to register the additional server info to the Configuration Directory Server %s.\n
error_unregister_ds = Error: failed to clean up the configuration info from the old Configuration\nDirectory Server %s.\n
error_connection_failed = Error: failed to open an LDAP connection.\n
Index: =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/dirsec/adminserver/admserv/newinst/src/,v retrieving revision 1.7 retrieving revision 1.8 diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8 --- 24 Jul 2007 20:10:16 -0000 1.7 +++ 27 Jul 2007 01:42:46 -0000 1.8 @@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ # This is how we extract the sie and isie as the as entries are # being added sub registercb { - my ($context, $entry, $errs) = @_; + my ($context, $entry, $errs) = @_;
- my $rc = check_and_add_entry([$context->{conn}], $entry, $errs); + my $rc = check_and_add_entry([$context->{conn}, $context->{reconfig}], $entry, $errs); my $setup = $context->{setup}; if ($rc) { if ($entry->hasValue('objectclass', 'nsApplication', 1)) { @@ -218,6 +218,7 @@ my $setup = shift; my $inf = $setup->{inf}; my $configdir = shift; + my $reconfig = shift; my @errs;
$setup->msg('registering_adminserver'); @@ -260,7 +261,7 @@ $setup->msg($FATAL, 'error_updating_localconf', $localconf, $!); return 0; } - my $context = {conn => $conn, localfh => *LOCALCONF, setup => $setup}; + my $context = {conn => $conn, localfh => *LOCALCONF, setup => $setup, reconfig => $reconfig}; getMappedEntries($mapper, @ldiffiles, @errs, ®istercb, $context); close(LOCALCONF);
@@ -408,7 +409,7 @@ return 0; }
- if (!registerASWithConfigDS($setup, $configdir)) { + if (!registerASWithConfigDS($setup, $configdir, $reconfig)) { return 0; }
Index: =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/dirsec/adminserver/admserv/newinst/src/,v retrieving revision 1.5 retrieving revision 1.6 diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6 --- 24 Jul 2007 20:10:16 -0000 1.5 +++ 27 Jul 2007 01:42:46 -0000 1.6 @@ -167,6 +167,108 @@ ['dialog_configdsinfo_ca_prompt'] );
+my $regconfigdsinfo = new Dialog ( + $EXPRESS, + 'dialog_configdsinfo_text', + sub { + my $self = shift; + my $index = shift; + if ($index == 0) { # the url + my $url = $self->{manager}->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryLdapURL}; + if (!defined($url)) { + my $host = $self->{manager}->{inf}->{General}->{FullMachineName} || + hostfqdn; + my $port = $self->{manager}->{inf}->{slapd}->{ServerPort} || 389; + if (!portAvailable($port)) { + $port = getAvailablePort(); + } + my $suffix = "o=NetscapeRoot"; + $url = "ldap://$host:$port/$suffix"; + } + return $url; + } elsif ($index == 1) { # the id + return $self->{manager}->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryAdminID} || + "admin"; + } elsif ($index == 2 || $index == 3) { # the password + return undef; + } elsif ($index == 4) { # admin domain + my $admindomain = $self->{manager}->{inf}->{General}->{AdminDomain}; + if (!defined($admindomain)) { + $admindomain = $self->{manager}->{inf}->{General}->{FullMachineName} || + hostfqdn; + $admindomain =~ s/^[^.]*.//; # just the domain part + } + return $admindomain; + } else { # the CA cert + my $url = $self->{manager}->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryLdapURL}; + my $cert = $self->{manager}->{inf}->{General}->{CACertificate}; + if (($url !~ /^ldaps/) or $self->{manager}->{inf}->{General}->{certdb} or + ($cert =~ /^-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/)) { + # not using LDAPS, or already have a certdb - hide CA prompt + $self->{prompts}->[5]->[2] = 1; + } else { + $self->{prompts}->[5]->[2] = 0; # unhide CA prompt + } + return $self->{manager}->{inf}->{General}->{CACertificate}; + } + }, + sub { + my $self = shift; + my $ans = shift; + my $index = shift; + + my $res = $DialogManager::SAME; + if ($index == 0) { + # validate URL? + $self->{manager}->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryLdapURL} = $ans; + my $url = $self->{manager}->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryLdapURL}; + if (($url !~ /^ldaps/) or $self->{manager}->{inf}->{General}->{certdb}) { + # not using LDAPS, or already have a certdb - hide CA prompt + $self->{prompts}->[5]->[2] = 1; + } else { + $self->{prompts}->[5]->[2] = 0; # unhide CA prompt + } + $res = $DialogManager::NEXT; + } elsif ($index == 1) { # id + $self->{manager}->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryAdminID} = $ans; + $res = $DialogManager::NEXT; + } elsif ($index == 2) { # pwd + my $test = $ans; + if ($test) { + $test =~ s/\s//g; + } + if (!$ans or (length($test) != length($ans))) { + $self->{manager}->alert("dialog_configdsadmin_invalid"); + } else { + $self->{firstpassword} = $ans; # save for next index + $res = $DialogManager::NEXT; + } + } elsif ($index == 3) { # verify second password + if ($ans ne $self->{firstpassword}) { + $self->{manager}->alert("dialog_configdsadmin_nomatch"); + } else { + $self->{manager}->{inf}->{General}->{ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd} = $ans; + $res = $DialogManager::NEXT; + } + } elsif ($index == 4) { # admin domain + $self->{manager}->{inf}->{General}->{AdminDomain} = $ans; + $res = $DialogManager::NEXT; + } else { # CA cert filename + if ($ans && length($ans) && + ($ans !~ /^-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/) && ! -f $ans) { + $self->{manager}->alert("dialog_configdsinfo_ca_error", $ans); + } else { + $self->{manager}->{inf}->{General}->{CACertificate} = $ans; + $res = $DialogManager::NEXT; + } + } + return $res; + }, + ['dialog_configdsinfo_url_prompt'], ['dialog_configdsinfo_id_prompt'], + ['dialog_configdsinfo_pwd_prompt', 1], ['dialog_configdsinfo_pwd2_prompt', 1], + ['dialog_configdsinfo_domain_prompt', 0, 0], ['dialog_configdsinfo_ca_prompt'] +); + my $configdsadmin = new Dialog ( $EXPRESS, 'dialog_configdsadmin_text', @@ -311,4 +413,8 @@ return ($useconfigds, $configdsinfo, $configdsadmin, $configdsadmindomain); }
+sub getRegDialogs { + return ($regconfigdsinfo, $configdsadmindomain); +} + 1;
Index: =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/dirsec/adminserver/admserv/newinst/src/,v retrieving revision 1.5 retrieving revision 1.6 diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6 --- 13 Jul 2007 18:39:15 -0000 1.5 +++ 27 Jul 2007 01:42:46 -0000 1.6 @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ dialog_configdsinfo_url_prompt = Configuration directory server URL dialog_configdsinfo_id_prompt = Configuration directory server admin ID dialog_configdsinfo_pwd_prompt = Configuration directory server admin password +dialog_configdsinfo_pwd2_prompt = Configuration directory server admin password (confirm) dialog_configdsinfo_domain_prompt = Configuration directory server admin domain dialog_configdsinfo_ca_prompt = CA certificate filename dialog_configdsinfo_ca_error = '%s' is not a valid CA certificate file. Please choose another one.\n\n @@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ dialog_configdsadmin_text = Please enter the administrator ID for the configuration directory\nserver. This is the ID typically used to log in to the console. You\nwill also be prompted for the password.\n\n dialog_configdsadmin_prompt = Configuration directory server\nadministrator ID dialog_configdsadmin_pw1_prompt = Password -dialog_configdsadmin_pw2_prompt = Password (again) +dialog_configdsadmin_pw2_prompt = Password (confirm) dialog_configdsadmin_error = The input '%s' is not a valid ID. Please choose another one.\n\n dialog_configdsadmin_invalid = The password contains invalid characters. Please choose another one.\n\n dialog_configdsadmin_nomatch = The passwords do not match. Please try again.\n\n