Hi all,
389ds as shipped by RHEL9 is linked to NSS, which in theory supports PKCS11, but in practice I can't get to work.
Most specifically, when you display a 389ds NSS database using modutil, you see p11-kit-proxy (good), but it reports "There are no slots attached to this module” (bad).
Has anyone got an explanation as to why this might be?
[root@seawitch ~]# modutil -list -dbdir /etc/dirsrv/slapd-seawitch
Listing of PKCS #11 Modules
1. NSS Internal PKCS #11 Module
uri: pkcs11:library-manufacturer=Mozilla%20Foundation;library-description=NSS%20Internal%20Crypto%20Services;library-version=3.79
slots: 2 slots attached
status: loaded
slot: NSS Internal Cryptographic Services
token: NSS Generic Crypto Services
uri: pkcs11:token=NSS%20Generic%20Crypto%20Services;manufacturer=Mozilla%20Foundation;serial=0000000000000000;model=NSS%203
slot: NSS User Private Key and Certificate Services
token: NSS Certificate DB
uri: pkcs11:token=NSS%20Certificate%20DB;manufacturer=Mozilla%20Foundation;serial=0000000000000000;model=NSS%203
2. p11-kit-proxy
library name: p11-kit-proxy.so
uri: pkcs11:library-manufacturer=PKCS%2311%20Kit;library-description=PKCS%2311%20Kit%20Proxy%20Module;library-version=1.1
slots: There are no slots attached to this module
status: loaded
At the very least the system and default CA databases should be visible, but alas no:
[root@seawitch ~]# p11-kit list-modules
p11-kit-trust: p11-kit-trust.so
library-description: PKCS#11 Kit Trust Module
library-manufacturer: PKCS#11 Kit
library-version: 0.24
token: System Trust
manufacturer: PKCS#11 Kit
model: p11-kit-trust
serial-number: 1
hardware-version: 0.24
token: Default Trust
manufacturer: PKCS#11 Kit
model: p11-kit-trust
serial-number: 1
hardware-version: 0.24