I have a question about capabilities in the Fedora/RH Directory server:
First, can it do dynamic groups as Novell eDirectory does (or is there any effort to add this): http://support.novell.com/techcenter/articles/ana20020405.html
Basically, it's similar to the groupofURL's that is supported by the RH/Sun directory server, but when the group is retrieved, dn's for entries that match the ldap url dynamic criteria is returned added to the uniquemember attribute, and you can do searches/compares on the uniquemember attribute that includes dynamic members.
I realise there are some significant performance considerations with this, but for modest use, it would really be useful. (FWIW, I asked a similar question when FDS first was released, but didn't have another product to point to as a comparable implementation at the time. Haven't looked at FDS for a while, so I'm hoping some things might have changed :) )
Second, can it log to syslog (or some centralized logging facility), rather than local files? I run a load balanced cluster with ~20 Sun Directory server machines in it, and troubleshooting things in access/error logs is a real pain because I have to look at 20 machines to find which server the connection went to so I can find the correct log entries to find out what's going on. Has RH added other options to logging to log to syslog-ng, etc so that we can create one consolidated set of logs?
Thanks, - Jeff