Hi Team,
Can we install IPA replica without using 80 port instead only using 443 port? Is it possible ?
If it is possible how can we achieve this ? [using port forwarding ? or any configuration changes?]
If it is not possible, why ?
Regards Sai
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Polavarapu Manideep Sai via FreeIPA-users wrote:
Hi Team,
Can we install IPA replica without using 80 port instead only using 443 port? Is it possible ?
If it is possible how can we achieve this ? [using port forwarding ? or any configuration changes?]
If it is not possible, why ?
Port 80 is necessary for OCSP and CRL processing. It is not likely to be used during replica install directly but the port is checked. I assume that the connection check is failing because this port isn't open. You can add --skip-conncheck to avoid it.
I don't recommend closing the port though. Other than OCSP and CRL retrieval other IPA-related traffic will be redirected from port 80 to 443 by default.
FWIW this subject is well-covered in list archives.
Hi Rob,
Thanks for the reply
The scenario here is one of our customers doesn't want to open connectivity on port 80 between central master and site replica server, instead they want to open 443 port only
Are there any other ways or any suggestions ? How can we proceed in this case ?
One option is making setup as standalone setup.[which will not participate in replication]
Regards Sai
-----Original Message----- From: Rob Crittenden rcritten@redhat.com Sent: 14 December 2023 18:54 To: FreeIPA users list freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org Cc: Polavarapu Manideep Sai manideep.sai@onmobile.com Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] Can we go for replica installation without using 80 port instead only using 443 port
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Polavarapu Manideep Sai via FreeIPA-users wrote:
Hi Team,
Can we install IPA replica without using 80 port instead only using 443 port? Is it possible ?
If it is possible how can we achieve this ? [using port forwarding ? or any configuration changes?]
If it is not possible, why ?
Port 80 is necessary for OCSP and CRL processing. It is not likely to be used during replica install directly but the port is checked. I assume that the connection check is failing because this port isn't open. You can add --skip-conncheck to avoid it.
I don't recommend closing the port though. Other than OCSP and CRL retrieval other IPA-related traffic will be redirected from port 80 to 443 by default.
FWIW this subject is well-covered in list archives.
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It isn't something we support or test. You can try --skip-conncheck so the replica installer won't quit but no guarantees that it will be successful. And even if it is successful, no guarantees there won't be issues in the future.
Polavarapu Manideep Sai wrote:
Hi Rob,
Thanks for the reply
The scenario here is one of our customers doesn't want to open connectivity on port 80 between central master and site replica server, instead they want to open 443 port only
Are there any other ways or any suggestions ? How can we proceed in this case ?
One option is making setup as standalone setup.[which will not participate in replication]
Regards Sai
-----Original Message----- From: Rob Crittenden rcritten@redhat.com Sent: 14 December 2023 18:54 To: FreeIPA users list freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org Cc: Polavarapu Manideep Sai manideep.sai@onmobile.com Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] Can we go for replica installation without using 80 port instead only using 443 port
CAUTION. This email originated from outside the organization. Please exercise caution before clicking on links or attachments in case of suspicion or unknown senders.
Polavarapu Manideep Sai via FreeIPA-users wrote:
Hi Team,
Can we install IPA replica without using 80 port instead only using 443 port? Is it possible ?
If it is possible how can we achieve this ? [using port forwarding ? or any configuration changes?]
If it is not possible, why ?
Port 80 is necessary for OCSP and CRL processing. It is not likely to be used during replica install directly but the port is checked. I assume that the connection check is failing because this port isn't open. You can add --skip-conncheck to avoid it.
I don't recommend closing the port though. Other than OCSP and CRL retrieval other IPA-related traffic will be redirected from port 80 to 443 by default.
FWIW this subject is well-covered in list archives.
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