I started writing this a while ago and never got it fully formed. Rather than let it keep rotting in my drafts folder I wanted to share it and see if it made sense to anyone else.
Warning - rough edges ahead!
Conversations with several people have resulted in distilling the following idea:
= EasyFix
== Changing metadata
Modify the table that drives fedoraproject.org/easyfix that is located at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Easyfix
The table would now include two additional columns (optional)
Col 1 = existing reference to the issue tracker. We should consider adding gitlab.com support
Col 2 = existing point of contact
Col 3 = category of task (documentation, infrastructure, programming-Haskell, programming-Ruby, etc.)
Col 4 = SIG/WG/etc. this project is related too (Design, Council, KDE, etc.)
== Changing fedoraproject.org/easyfix
Today we show only two categories: Issues from Pagure/Github and Bugzillas
I believe those categories are not the right categories for consumers of the page. Using the new category (col 3) above, we would break things out by the kind of contribution. This would serve to let people browse related tasks more easily and to reduce the overwhelming nature of the current lists.
For BZs we are either going to have to guess based on BZ metadata or leave them lumped together.
WCDIFF should be extended to show the categories and groups appropriate for the various endpoints. This way the person who navigates WCDIFF has the option of reading a specific task they could work on right now, if they so desire.
= Marketing/Promotion
The categories give us the opportunity to promote our easyfixes as a great way to join or contribute in a targeted manner. This could come in the form of articles, tweets, or live conference appearances.
What do people think?
<zodbot> Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2018-03-12/mindshare.2018-…
<zodbot> Minutes (text): https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2018-03-12/mindshare.2018-…
<zodbot> Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2018-03-12/mindshare.2018-…
You are encouraged to subscribed to the low-volume Mindshare Mailing list to ensure you stay informed about what is going on.
Mindshare uses it's pagure (pagure.io/mindshare) to track open issues so that information is easy to find and subscribe too.
#fedora-meeting: Fedora Mindshare Committee - 2018-03-12
Meeting started by jwf at 12:30:54 UTC. The full logs are available at
Meeting summary
* Roll call (jwf, 12:30:59)
* Tickets (bexelbie, 12:37:19)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/mindshare/issues (bexelbie, 12:37:23)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/7 (bexelbie, 12:37:44)
* represenation research (bexelbie, 12:39:45)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/6 (bexelbie, 12:39:47)
* ambassadors code of conduct page (bexelbie, 12:45:08)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/5 (bexelbie, 12:45:09)
* Ambassadors REps (bexelbie, 12:49:10)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/4 (bexelbie, 12:49:13)
* feature profiles (bexelbie, 12:53:13)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/3 (bexelbie, 12:53:15)
* swag vendor list (bexelbie, 13:01:54)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/2 (bexelbie, 13:01:56)
* readme (bexelbie, 13:04:59)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/1 (bexelbie, 13:05:00)
(jwf, 13:06:19)
* Draft of Ambassadors Ideas (bexelbie, 13:11:09)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/8 (jsmith, 13:12:25)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/8 (bexelbie, 13:12:47)
* Open Floor (bexelbie, 13:16:16)
* ACTION: everyone to send receipts from the FAD to
bexelbie(a)redhat.com with paypal address and currency preference
where possible (not promised) (bexelbie, 13:19:24)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/design/issue/580 (mleonova, 13:19:32)
* ACTION: robyduck to open ML tickets for us and a tracker in our
pagure (bexelbie, 13:19:34)
* ACTION: mleonova to open a tracker ticket for our design tickets in
our pagure (bexelbie, 13:19:44)
Meeting ended at 13:25:11 UTC.
Action Items
* everyone to send receipts from the FAD to bexelbie(a)redhat.com with
paypal address and currency preference where possible (not promised)
* robyduck to open ML tickets for us and a tracker in our pagure
* mleonova to open a tracker ticket for our design tickets in our pagure
Action Items, by person
* bexelbie
* everyone to send receipts from the FAD to bexelbie(a)redhat.com with
paypal address and currency preference where possible (not promised)
* mleonova
* mleonova to open a tracker ticket for our design tickets in our
* robyduck
* robyduck to open ML tickets for us and a tracker in our pagure
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* bexelbie (146)
* jwf (55)
* x3mboy (31)
* jsmith (31)
* mleonova (25)
* zodbot (17)
* nb (16)
* robyduck (13)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
The third and final day of the Mindshare FAD came to a close.
We discussed the following topics:
* Budget allocation and procedure for Mindshare
* Finding a common meeting time (actually hard…)
* Reporting and devising action plan for messaging
* Generating post-FAD action items
Details are all below. Thanks everyone for your time, energy, and
motivation this week. For many of us, this was back-to-back with other
travel and strategic planning, but I think we all are happy with what we
came up with at the end.
See you in channel, mailing list, or elsewhere soon. :-)
= = = = =
Meeting ended Tue Mar 6 10:06:31 2018 UTC.
Minutes (text):
* * * * *
#fedora-mindshare: Fedora Mindshare FAD 2018 - Day 3
Meeting started by x3mboy at 08:56:01 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Budget (x3mboy, 08:57:01)
* bexelbie is presenting several alternatives to request budget and
how to handle it (x3mboy, 08:59:34)
* AGREED: Mindshare will request to allocate regional budgets directly
to Mindshare for FY19 (robyduck, 09:22:53)
* Mindshare will communicate how this will be handled and allocated
regional wise for the transitional period (robyduck, 09:23:37)
* Mindshare Meeting Time (robyduck, 09:24:08)
* LINK: https://ethercalc.org/ubtgupvviq6y (bexelbie, 09:25:11)
* AGREED: New Meeting time is Monday from 12:30 -13:30 UTC (robyduck,
* Mindshare Reporting (x3mboy, 09:42:05)
* Six areas of focus: Modularity, CI, Internet of Things, Workstation
Edition, Server Edition, Atomic Edition (jwf, 09:49:17)
* === Three strategies for focusing on our topics === (jwf, 09:49:27)
* (1) Use resources wisely as we have limited volunteer attention,
time, and money (jwf, 09:49:41)
* (2) Increase adoption of Fedora in areas related to messaging (jwf,
* (3) Improve communication to facilitate these messages (jwf,
* Representatives to take the messaging back to the other teams
(design, docs, marketing, CommOps) (jwf, 09:56:03)
* === Mindshare is successor to FAmSCo and FOSCo === (jwf, 09:56:22)
* starting conversations about how to improve ambassadors as part of
this charter in two weeks (jwf, 09:56:37)
* AGREED: Announce Meeting Time: 12:30 - 13:30 UTC on Mondays (jwf,
* Action items for post-FAD (jwf, 09:57:05)
* ACTION: x3mboy Write first monthly report - Friday March 16 to be
drafted and in the committee email for review - ideal publish the
following week (jwf, 09:57:20)
* ACTION: mleonova[m] Take our messaging and issues to Design (jwf,
* ACTION: robyduck Take our messaging and issues to Web (jwf,
* ACTION: x3mboy Take our messaging and issues to Marketing (jwf,
* ACTION: jwf nee jflory7 nee Mr. Roboty Take our messaging and issues
to CommOps (jwf, 09:58:40)
* === Recurring Mindshare tasks === (jwf, 09:59:53)
* Every meeting, check outreach/mindshare calendars for meeting
goals/deadlines (jwf, 10:00:12)
* Every month, publish an outbound report (rotating by person by
month) built from bullet points generated in the meetings (jwf,
* Ticket triage (jwf, 10:00:39)
* Closing up (jwf, 10:04:46)
* AGREED: We will never have a FAD in this room again (because
lighting) (jwf, 10:04:56)
* AGREED: But the hotel rooms and the views are great :D (jwf,
Meeting ended at 10:06:31 UTC.
Action Items
* x3mboy Write first monthly report - Friday March 16 to be drafted and
in the committee email for review - ideal publish the following week
* mleonova[m] Take our messaging and issues to Design
* robyduck Take our messaging and issues to Web
* x3mboy Take our messaging and issues to Marketing
* jwf nee jflory7 nee Mr. Roboty Take our messaging and issues to
Action Items, by person
* jwf
* jwf nee jflory7 nee Mr. Roboty Take our messaging and issues to
* mleonova[m]
* mleonova[m] Take our messaging and issues to Design
* robyduck
* robyduck Take our messaging and issues to Web
* x3mboy
* x3mboy Write first monthly report - Friday March 16 to be drafted
and in the committee email for review - ideal publish the following
* x3mboy Take our messaging and issues to Marketing
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* jwf (30)
* x3mboy (9)
* zodbot (6)
* robyduck (4)
* bexelbie (1)
* langdon (0)
* nb (0)
* mleonova[m] (0)
* mattdm (0)
* jsmith (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Justin W. Flory
The second day of the Mindshare FAD came to an end a little bit ago.
Today was intense but we covered a lot of ground!
The full details are in the minutes so I won't summarize, but here's an
outline of what we covered:
* Council FAD recap: Understanding Fedora's mission
* Why we want mindshare (not committee, the idea) and how to measure it
* Messaging we want to deliver to outreach teams
* Communicating messaging with Ambassadors
* What do we say in our messaging?
* Swag logistics / delivery
* Role of Design in Mindshare
* Role of CommOps in Mindshare
* Role of Marketing in Mindshare
* Role of Docs in Mindshare
* Role of Ambassadors in Mindshare
* Structure of Ambassadors
It was a really intense day. But in the best kind of way. :-)
We'll be back for Round 2 in the morning. Ciao!
= = = = =
Meeting ended Mon Mar 5 16:40:34 2018 UTC.
Minutes (text):
* * * * *
#fedora-mindshare: Fedora Mindshare FAD 2018 - Day 2
Meeting started by jwf at 08:09:36 UTC. The full logs are available at
Meeting summary
* Getting started (jwf, 08:09:45)
(jwf, 08:12:09)
* Welcome nb! Quick recap this morning to get him up to speed (jwf,
* Council FAD recap (jwf, 08:23:59)
* LINK: http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedoramktreqs (mattdm, 08:24:01)
* langdon asked me to start that etherpad but I don't know why yet
(mattdm, 08:24:15)
* Goal to walk out with refined set of requirements, know if we're
meeting those requirements, and then how to deliver on those
requirements (jwf, 08:25:37)
* mattdm presenting overview of output of council fad that resulted in
a new mission (bexelbie, 08:27:33)
* original mission: We are making a general purpose linux distro ...
(bexelbie, 08:27:46)
* that was general and put us in a "box" (bexelbie, 08:28:19)
* next mission lead advancement of free and open source software and
content as a collaborative community (bexelbie, 08:28:21)
* this wasn't actionable, is hard and isn't really answered by a
distro. So it was disconnected and asprirational and the world
changed without us necessarily being the leaders of it (bexelbie,
* said, lets get back to basics of what is unique, what are we doing,
who for, etc. (mission statements) (bexelbie, 08:29:47)
(jwf, 08:30:43)
* current mission: in the context of the foundations, fedora creates
an innovative platform for hardware, clouds, and containers that
enables software developers and comunity members to build tailored
solutions for their users (bexelbie, 08:30:50)
* Fedora has editions recognizing that we are more than just a desktop
and has multiple audiences (bexelbie, 08:32:13)
* IDEA: Enabling platforms for people to do things (jwf, 08:34:52)
* In addition to making this platform, also build reference platforms
to work and serve particular needs we think need to be filled in a
circular way (jwf, 08:36:01)
* IDEA: Fedora is not just a desktop operating system but a platform
to do a number of things (jwf, 08:37:47)
* Why we want mindshare and how we measure it - langdon (jwf, 08:41:43)
* Why is Fedora different and what makes it different from everything
else in this space? (jwf, 08:41:58)
* === What makes Fedora unique? === (jwf, 08:42:36)
* LINK: http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedoramktreqs (jwf, 08:43:50)
* Interactive discussion! Typing into the Etherpad to answer the
questions of what makes Fedora unique to understand our audience and
what we're trying to target (jwf, 08:44:25)
* IDEA: jsmith: "People stick around in Fedora because of the
community – all carrot, no stick" (jwf, 08:47:30)
* IDEA: People get personal satisfaction for contributing to this
community (jwf, 08:47:54)
* LINK: http://etherpad.osuosl.org/x3mboyNotes (x3mboy, 10:55:31)
* Lunch break! (jwf, 10:58:12)
(mattdm, 11:04:04)
* Recap from our discussion this morning (jwf, 11:59:52)
* === Messaging we want to see === (jwf, 12:00:02)
* Modularity (jwf, 12:00:06)
* Fedora CI (jwf, 12:00:10)
* Internet of Things (jwf, 12:00:12)
* Desktop Edition (jwf, 12:00:16)
* Server Edition (jwf, 12:00:18)
* Atomic Edition (jwf, 12:00:22)
* These are things currently in progress; specifics will change over
time (jwf, 12:00:48)
* AGREED: These are the areas of focus we want to emphasize in our
outreach teams (jwf, 12:01:21)
* === Focus of thought === (jwf, 12:01:35)
* Use resources wisely as we have limited volunteer attention, time,
money (jwf, 12:01:46)
* Increase adoption of Fedora in areas related to messaging (jwf,
* Improve communication to facilitate these messages (jwf, 12:02:31)
* Messaging we want to deliver (jwf, 12:03:14)
* Messaging we want to take to the groups and identify challenges we
want to address or help them address (jwf, 12:03:16)
* Ambassador focus: How do we communicate? (jwf, 12:03:59)
* IDEA: nb: Document to explain what something is in layman's terms
(e.g. "What is Fedora CI??") (jwf, 12:05:35)
* ambassadors seem to just kind of do what they have always done and
maybe don't always keep themselves up to date on the current
objectives (nb, 12:12:05)
* do we do events because we have always done that event, or do we
have a goal for that event (nb, 12:12:19)
* Where is this information located? Do we have a place to go to get
links? Is this info translated? (jwf, 12:14:45)
* How do we communicate our focus on these objectives? (jwf,
* IDEA: Ask for more thought on evaluating requests and alignment with
our overall goals? (jwf, 12:16:54)
* IDEA: at some point those of us here at the mindshare FAD should
sign each other's GPG keys (nb, 12:18:36)
* IDEA: Doing the outreach via the CommBlog, possibly mailing lists
(jwf, 12:22:51)
* What do we say in our messaging? (jwf, 12:23:15)
* Tactically: Messaging means CommBlog and email (jwf, 12:23:25)
* Ask for more thought on evaluating requests and alignment with our
overall goals? (jwf, 12:23:38)
* Explain the message and where to find details (jwf, 12:23:56)
* Explain the constraints and goals and ask for more consideration
(jwf, 12:24:07)
* Explain that this is the Fedora Focus (jwf, 12:24:17)
* Keep doing events we want you to be more focused, but keep doing
events (jwf, 12:24:37)
* === Needs from Ambassadors === (jwf, 12:47:12)
* Documented process for becoming an Ambassador (jwf, 12:47:35)
* People who are actively doing work today (to identify contributors)
(jwf, 12:47:56)
* Recognition for having an Ambassador at one time (jwf, 12:48:03)
* IDEA: Messaging: As our charter, we are carrying out the work we
were created to do (jwf, 12:48:21)
* Design: Where does design fit? (jwf, 12:50:35)
* How can we better equip our Ambassadors? Materials? Demos?
Equipment? (jwf, 12:50:55)
* Where do they find up-to-date, "approved" materials? Tickets? (jwf,
(jwf, 12:53:52)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Design (jwf,
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_collateral (x3mboy,
* IDEA: Clear, easy-to-find way to show this is how you interact with
us, and if doesn't have proper level of specificity, what is needed
up front to be successful (jwf, 12:57:54)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/designassets (jwf, 12:58:44)
* IDEA: Every time has a different workflow process and this needs to
be documented (sharing best practices?) (jwf, 12:59:58)
* What do we say in our messaging? (continued) (jwf, 13:01:01)
* IDEA: Messaging: As our charter, we are carrying forward with the
work we were created to do (jwf, 13:04:44)
* Offering: New low-friction processes for release parties and "small"
events (jwf, 13:04:58)
* Pushing: As the successors to FAmSCo and FOSCo (and perhaps FAmA?),
we will be changing some things (jwf, 13:05:29)
* Design: Where does design fit? (continued) (jwf, 13:06:51)
* Figuring out why Ambassadors don't produce on their own and why
guidelines are in place with Design; but how to make design team
more accessible? (jwf, 13:07:25)
* HELP: Marketing collateral wiki page is still used as a current
resource by Ambassadors (jwf, 13:07:58)
* Standardizing small parties helps standardize workflow for design
team (jwf, 13:10:18)
* Delivery of swag and logistics (jwf, 13:18:39)
* Contributor attention and time > money (jwf, 13:18:52)
* Mindshare is capable of dealing with logistics (jwf, 13:19:27)
* 1. Offer as a service that we will handle logistics of shipping
(jwf, 13:39:13)
* 2. Offer that we will just send standard swag under the right
conditions (jwf, 13:39:31)
* 3. Support better country specific things like a release box for
France (jwf, 13:39:40)
* Role of CommOps within Mindshare (jwf, 13:41:58)
* AGREED: leave ambassadors seats unfilled until pending discussion
about what defines an ambassador is complete, the representatives
will be FAmA and the other representatives who are also ambassadors
(nb, 13:59:52)
* we have at least 1 representative from all of NA, EMEA, and LATAM
(nb, 14:00:11)
* LINK: http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedoramktreqs (nb, 14:01:50)
* CommOps is a purely tactical body that focuses on internal
"marketing" (storytelling), measure of engagement (metrics), and
supporting sub-project best practices; CommOps works with Mindshare
to understand strategic aim of our work (jwf, 14:03:32)
* AGREED: CommOps will mostly continue forward with the work we are
already doing now but will not take on the responsibility of driving
strategic planning (jwf, 14:03:41)
* ACTION: jwf Move recent copytext from CommOps wiki page rewrite to
describe strategic goals of Mindshare (jwf, 14:04:02)
* Role of Marketing in Mindshare (jwf, 14:04:12)
* Specifically define Marketing as *Marketing Execution* (jwf,
* What is Marketing capable of doing today? (jwf, 14:08:54)
* 1. Release announcements (jwf, 14:17:26)
* 2. Talking points (jwf, 14:17:31)
* === Simple additional things Marketing can do === (jwf, 14:17:49)
* IDEA: Marketing helping Design Team with text (jwf, 14:17:57)
* IDEA: Three Things in Fedora This Week (jwf, 14:18:05)
* IDEA: What happened in Objectives this quarter? (jwf, 14:18:14)
* IDEA: Better connection with social media (jwf, 14:18:20)
* IDEA: Pre-release kickoff "event" marketing kit (e.g. what we ship
to release parties) (jwf, 14:18:44)
* === What Marketing needs from Mindshare === (jwf, 14:19:17)
* Answers to strategic questions from Mindshare and Council (Marketing
brings us a list) (jwf, 14:19:35)
* Role of Docs in Mindshare (jwf, 14:25:03)
* Docs has no resources presently but we are on track to solve this
problem from last week's Docs FAD (jwf, 14:25:08)
* Trying to get publishing toolchain problem solved (jwf, 14:25:16)
* Mindshare is not asking them for anything else right now (jwf,
* Role of elected members in Mindshare (jwf, 14:27:10)
* Moving away from yesterday's idea of elected members selecting
smaller groups to represent in interest of bandwidth concerns (jwf,
* Elected members to support work of Mindshare Committee so we don't
suddenly find ourselves under-resourced (jwf, 14:28:19)
* Role of Ambassadors in Mindshare (jwf, 14:28:24)
* What is the role of an ambassador? (see
http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedoramktreqs ) (nb, 15:48:58)
Meeting ended at 16:40:34 UTC.
Action Items
* jwf Move recent copytext from CommOps wiki page rewrite to describe
strategic goals of Mindshare
Action Items, by person
* jwf
* jwf Move recent copytext from CommOps wiki page rewrite to describe
strategic goals of Mindshare
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* jwf (129)
* zodbot (16)
* nb (16)
* x3mboy (11)
* mattdm (9)
* bexelbie (8)
* langdon (3)
* mleonova[m] (3)
* Amita (3)
* Southern_Gentlem (2)
* robyduck (2)
* alciregi (2)
* Rhea (1)
* jsmith (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Justin W. Flory