mspacek opened a new pull-request against the project: `perl-HTTP-Tiny` that you are following: `` Add perl-HTTP-Tiny-https package for delivering of HTTPs support ``
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jplesnik commented on the pull-request: `Add perl-HTTP-Tiny-https package for delivering of HTTPs support` that you are following: `` Please leave perl(IO::Socket::IP) in both packages main and tests ``
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jplesnik commented on the pull-request: `Add perl-HTTP-Tiny-https package for delivering of HTTPs support` that you are following: `` Please add perl-HTTP-Tiny-https as Requires only with perl_bootstrap condition to prevent dependency cycle and also add 'openssl' it is needed for tests. ``
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jplesnik commented on the pull-request: `Add perl-HTTP-Tiny-https package for delivering of HTTPs support` that you are following: `` BTW, before submitting, it will be great to have list of packages which should require the sub-package perl-HTTP-Tiny-https and update them (e.g. perl-CPAN) ``
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ppisar commented on the pull-request: `Add perl-HTTP-Tiny-https package for delivering of HTTPs support` that you are following: `` This patch makes https tests optional in perl-HTTP-Tiny-tests. That goes against current practice we (at least I) have in tests subpackages: We tend to enforce all test features in tests subpackages. My approach has two advantages: The tests are deterministic and the https feature can be controlled with perl_bootstrap macro.
When you add a hard dependency on perl-HTTP-Tiny-https into many packages, it could happen that you make the packages uninstallable while bootstrapping and that would lead to build cycles as Jitka pointed. I'd rather wrap the hard Requires on IO::Socket::SSL in perl-HTTP-Tiny-https with perl_boostrap condition. On one hand, that would make the perl-HTTP-Tiny-https dummy while bootstrapping. On the other hand, it would centralize the boostrapping to perl-HTTP-Tiny.spec. With your current approach you will have to go after every of the hard Requires and condition them with perl_bootstrap on case-by-case basis.
I don't say that your approach is utterly wrong, it has it's own potential. I only say that I would use a different approach. ``
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jplesnik commented on the pull-request: `Add perl-HTTP-Tiny-https package for delivering of HTTPs support` that you are following: `` Please move perl(IO::Socket::IP) to perl-HTTP-Tiny ``
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jplesnik commented on the pull-request: `Add perl-HTTP-Tiny-https package for delivering of HTTPs support` that you are following: ``
This patch makes https tests optional in perl-HTTP-Tiny-tests. That goes against current practice we (at least I) have in tests subpackages: We tend to enforce all test features in tests subpackages. My approach has two advantages: The tests are deterministic and the https feature can be controlled with perl_bootstrap macro.
I also prefer to run all tests, if it is possible.
When you add a hard dependency on perl-HTTP-Tiny-https into many packages, it could happen that you make the packages uninstallable while bootstrapping and that would lead to build cycles as Jitka pointed. I'd rather wrap the hard Requires on IO::Socket::SSL in perl-HTTP-Tiny-https with perl_boostrap condition. On one hand, that would make the perl-HTTP-Tiny-https dummy while bootstrapping. On the other hand, it would centralize the boostrapping to perl-HTTP-Tiny.spec. With your current approach you will have to go after every of the hard Requires and condition them with perl_bootstrap on case-by-case basis.
That's a good idea and it will prevent new possible cycles when anybody adds perl-HTTP-Tiny-https to its package.
I don't say that your approach is utterly wrong, it has it's own potential. I only say that I would use a different approach.
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mspacek commented on the pull-request: `Add perl-HTTP-Tiny-https package for delivering of HTTPs support` that you are following: `` Fixed perl(IO::Socket::IP) (moved to perl-HTTP-Tiny) Added perl_boostrap check. ``
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