When I filed the Python 3.8 [change] for Fedora 31, we knew that the schedule would be tight.
For that very reason, we have not yet started to build for Python 3.8 in a f31 side tag, but instead we've only been doing it in [copr] so far.
The mass rebuild happens on 2019-07-24, according to the Fedora 31 [schedule]. That gives us about 1 month + 1 week to be able to merge the side tag back in case we decide to start building it now.
There are several challenges:
- there are ~200 build failures that block this, tracked on [bugzilla] - further there are about ~300 packages that are blocked by the above, possibly more - some of the packages are quite crucial to make this happen (tornado, pygobject3) - the 3.8.0 [releases] have been delayed so far, so continuing the trend, we could very well end up with the first RC just one day before the F31 Final Freeze or even after that (risking 3.8 beta in Fedora 31 GA)
I've met with Petr Viktorin and Tomáš Orsava today and we are prepared to deffer this change to Fedora 32, unless there is a large push-back against that. However we don't want this to be an internal decision behind closed doors, so we are sharing it with you and we are happy to reconsider, in case there is something that we haven't anticipated.
What would that mean: - we would continue to build the packages in [copr] as new Python 3.8 beta versions are released - we would continue to report build failures and to provide pointers to affected maintainers - right after the F32 branching (2019-08-13 according to the [schedule]), we would start with the side tag builds - the Koji builds would start ~2 months later
Benefits: - we would not be stressed by the immediate mass rebuild deadline - we would not need to care about ABI incompatibilities between beta releases, because the last beta should be out when we start
Negatives: - the users would get 3.8 as the main python3 about 6 months later, but they already have Python 3.8 interpreter in Fedora to develop on
We could of course just start building now and than decide not to merge the side tag, but we are worried that it would leave a big mess in git repos and RPM changelogs.
If you think this is not a wise decision and would prefer to have Python 3.8 in Fedora 31 (as the main python3), please discuss quickly. The F31 mass rebuild is approaching fast and there's a lot to be done, so every day counts now; in other words, the later you present your argument, the stronger it must be ;)
[change] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Python3.8 [copr] https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/python/python3.8/ [schedule] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/31/Schedule [bugzilla] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/showdependencytree.cgi?id=PYTHON38&hide_reso... [releases] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0569/#schedule
Miro Hrončok, on behalf of the Fedora's Python SIG and Red Hat's Python Maintenance team -- Phone: +420777974800 IRC: mhroncok