Folks I wanted to try to get some clarification on entries in a default keytab. This whole thing started with switching from using adcli on RHEL 7.5 to using realmd which defaults to using winbind/samba to join a system.
With adcli the keytab created on join (using realm join) looked something like this (ordering of entries is important here, and I am omitting duplicate entries with different encryption types for brevity): EXAMPLE$@AD.EXAMPLE.COM host/EXAMPLE@AD.EXAMPLE.COM host/ RestrictedKrbHost/EXAMPLE@AD.EXAMPLE.COM RestrictedKrbHost/
Ok I can successfully kinit with the keytab using the samAccountName/NetBIOS name: kinit -k EXAMPLE$
I can NOT kinit with the other principals, the following fails: host/EXAMPLE@AD.EXAMPLE.COM host/ RestrictedKrbHost/EXAMPLE@AD.EXAMPLE.COM RestrictedKrbHost/
All fail with variation of: kinit: Client 'X' not found in Kerberos database while getting initial credentials
After reading a lot this makes sense, these are service principals not host or user principals, best reference is here: (Thanks Simo!)
You can make some of these host principals by setting the userPrincipalName to something like host/EXAMPLE@AD.EXAMPLE.COM or host/ but this does not happen by default with realm join (which contradicts the man pages, I have a bug open on that here:
Fine, now when joining using samba/winbind you end up with a keytab like this (here I will not omit the duplicates as it seems important to capture it all): host/ host/EXAMPLE@AD.EXAMPLE.COM host/ host/EXAMPLE@AD.EXAMPLE.COM host/ host/EXAMPLE@AD.EXAMPLE.COM host/ host/EXAMPLE@AD.EXAMPLE.COM host/ host/EXAMPLE@AD.EXAMPLE.COM EXAMPLE$@AD.EXAMPLE.COM EXAMPLE$@AD.EXAMPLE.COM EXAMPLE$@AD.EXAMPLE.COM EXAMPLE$@AD.EXAMPLE.COM EXAMPLE$@AD.EXAMPLE.COM
Again I can kinit with the NetBIOS name but no others.
Now the trouble arises for me when I am trying to use something like requests-gssapi: when the system is joined using realmd/adcli simple code will work, it will kinit as the first principal it finds in the keytab, which is the NetBIOS name/samAccountName which is a host principal, everything just works.
However, when the system is joined using realmd/samba the keytab is in a completely different order and it turns out those first entries, they are not user principals nor host principals so everything at that point fails with 'client not found'. How to specify the principal to use is spectacularly unclear to me at least in python-gssapi and requests-gssapi, but that isn't really the question here. If you know the answer to that though, please feel free to chime in.
What should be the host or user principals that are held by the default keytab? And what should be service principals? And most importantly why? It is all very unclear to me.
I can force realmd to create a userPrincipleName which maps to a user principal with the --user-principal flag, but what is correct? Samba defaults to creating a UPN of host/EXAMPLE@AD.EXAMPLE.COM, and adcli defaults to host/example@AD.EXAMPLE.COM (which isn't even in the keytab) if user-princpal=yes in /etc/realmd.conf, otherwise I have not figured out how to use defaults from the command line and the man page appears to be incorrect that a UPN is created by default. I can obviously specify host/ But I can't seem to cover all the entries that are created by default in the /etc/krb5.keytab nor am I even sure if I should, if I could.
Clarity here would be much appreciated. And good luck with IBM, I really hope it makes things better.