David Caro has posted comments on this change.
Change subject: automation: Enable xunit report ......................................................................
Patch Set 4:
(1 comment)
https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/46640/4/automation/build-artifacts.sh File automation/build-artifacts.sh:
Line 15: make PYFLAKES=true PEP8=true NOSE_EXCLUDE=.* rpm Line 16: Line 17: find "$BUILDS" \ Line 18: -iname *.rpm \ Line 19: -exec mv {} "$EXPORTED_ARTIFACTS/" ;
ok. What about the path of the xml - so we have to copy it to specific loca
jenkins does not use it yet, if you archive it (put it under exported-artifacts) there's an effort to show the report in jenknis (not only for vdsm, but generically for any standard-ci job), so it will be shown once that is merged. No action will be taken about it though, if you want to fail (or not) you'll have to parse the report yourself and return != 0 if you want to fail Line 20: find "$PWD" \ Line 21: -maxdepth 1 \ Line 22: -iname vdsm*.tar.gz \