[Fedora-directory-devel] fedora DS website design

Rob Crittenden rcritten at redhat.com
Wed Jun 21 19:17:27 UTC 2006

Seth Nickell wrote:
> I've been tweaking the DS wiki skin to remove a lot of the noise
> produced by media wiki tooling. If anyone is interested, you can take
> a look at what I've got so far by:
> 1) signing into the wiki
> 2) going to preferences (at the top right of the screen)
> 3) going to the "skin" section
> 4) selecting the "FDS" skin
> Its still got some serious bugs (like the tabs end up mis-laid-out on
> big pages like http://directory.fedora.redhat.com/wiki/FAQ), but if
> anyone has general feedback I'd be interested.
> I've also been focusing the text on some of the pages (particularly
> the home page), so take a look at that too.
> -Seth

It's much prettier than the skin I did.

A few comments:

- the person icon to the left of the logged-in account name looks a 
little strange
- I'm not a UI guy, far from it, but the sort of grey-ish background in 
the title bar is a tad dark such that it's hard to see the blue of the 
Fedora infinity logo.
- In both Seamonkey 1.1 and Konqueror 3.5.2 the tab boxes are slightly 
below the horizontal line. I'm at 1600x1200.
- Konqueror isn't rendering bullet points, just the indented text (see 
FAQ or Building for examples).
- As we discussed in IRC it doesn't really work with IE6. The left nav 
bar doesn't render and the top screen image doesn't render properly 
either. I just see a dark grey triangle in the upper-left. The tab boxes 
are slightly below with this browser as well.

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