[Fedora-directory-devel] fedora DS website design

Seth Nickell snickell at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 23:18:46 UTC 2006

> - the person icon to the left of the logged-in account name looks a
> little strange

Yeah, the way they've done this in the template is far from optimal...
I just dropped the person icon.

> - I'm not a UI guy, far from it, but the sort of grey-ish background in
> the title bar is a tad dark such that it's hard to see the blue of the
> Fedora infinity logo.

it is low enough contrast that I'd avoid it for a functional element,
but I think its ok for a visual flourish element (esp. because parts
of the infinity are very high contrast, so it should still be quite

> - In both Seamonkey 1.1 and Konqueror 3.5.2 the tab boxes are slightly
> below the horizontal line. I'm at 1600x1200.
> - Konqueror isn't rendering bullet points, just the indented text (see
> FAQ or Building for examples).

I'll look into these.

> - As we discussed in IRC it doesn't really work with IE6. The left nav
> bar doesn't render and the top screen image doesn't render properly
> either. I just see a dark grey triangle in the upper-left. The tab boxes
> are slightly below with this browser as well.

Yeah, I've been hacking on IE6 junk today, almost done I think.

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