[389-devel] Please review ticket 47590 (take #4): add/split functions around replication

thierry bordaz tbordaz at redhat.com
Tue Nov 19 14:48:32 UTC 2013

This review takes into account the recommendations of last review:

  * It creates a checkProperties function
    This function take properties from a dict. It checks and set the
    properties into the LDAP entry of the replication agreement.
    It can checks  the coherency of the properties as well as sets
    default values.
    This function translates what will be CLI properties into
    replication agreement parameters.

In addition to recommendations of previous reviews

  * Create a Agreement class in brooker
  * mv init/status/schedule/create in that new class
  * mv createDefaultReplMgr into the brooker replica class with the
    function create_repl_manager()
  * Handling of error condition with exceptions

What is not implemented in that review, that will be implemented with 

  * Cleanup of createAgreement (use of exception). This function will
    likely be replace by agreement.create().
  * Cleanup of enableReplication (use of exception, move under


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