[Fedora-directory-users] Non Leaf Object

Jim Summers jsummers at bachman.cs.ou.edu
Wed Feb 15 14:20:57 UTC 2006

Hello List,

While working with some scripts for my development ldap.  I was trying 
to remove the ou=People and got the following error:

ldap_delete: Operation not allowed on non-leaf (66)

The ldif file has two basic lines in it:
dn: ou=People,dc=xxx,dc=xxx,dc=xxx
changetype: delete

I have used this same syntax to drop other ou's in the tree.  So I 
wasn't sure why this ou is considered a non-leaf??  Or honestly I am not 
sure what a leaf is, in regards to ldap?  Any good reading material?

I could delete each entry in the People container and then re-populate, 
but that seems like a noisy way of doing things in regards to the multi 
master replicas I have running.

Q. Why am I doing this?
A. I am temporarily manually sync'ing a production iplanet 5.1 ldap.  I 
had thought about trying the multi-master scripts from the HOW-TO's but 
I was a little hesistant.  Hopefully by this summer I will be fully 
migrated over to the FDS-ldap.

Ideas / suggestions?

Jim Summers
School of Computer Science-University of Oklahoma

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