[389-users] confused about how to create nsslapd backends

Jon Detert jdetert at infinityhealthcare.com
Mon Jan 14 22:53:17 UTC 2013


I have 3 root-suffixes served by 1 instance of slapd in fedora-ds v1.0.4 :

I'm trying to import them into an instance of 389-ds v1.2.10, but I can only get the 1st one imported.  This is how I did that:

1) run 'setup-ds' for dc=example,dc=com
2) import the dumped ldif for that root-suffix by runnint this: 'ldapmodify -h localhost -cax -S ~/import.errors -D "cn=directory manager" -W -f ~/dc-example-dc-com.ldif

To create the next 2 root-suffixes, I assumed I should not run setup-ds again, because I don't want another slapd instance.  Instead, I try to create them with like this (leaving the last out for brevity):

ldapmodify -avv -h localhost -D cn="Directory Manager" -W <<EOI
dn: cn="o=example.com",cn=mapping tree,cn=config
objectclass: top
objectclass: extensibleObject
objectclass: nsMappingTree
nsslapd-state: backend
nsslapd-backend: ihcComRoot
cn: o=example.com

However, when I try to import the data from the o=example.com suffix:
a) ldapmodify fails every record with "760 # Error: No such object (32)", and
b) the error log for this slapd instance says this once for every record:
"Warning: Mapping tree node entry for o=example.com point to an unknown backend : ihcComRoot", where "ihcComRoot" is the nsslapd backend I used in the ldapmodify command above.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


Jon Detert
Sr. Systems Administrator
Infinity Healthcare
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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