[389-users] performance indexes questions

William Brown william at blackhats.net.au
Wed Sep 16 18:12:59 UTC 2015

Hi Isabella,

> we are trying to  understand are performance issues  and start 
> investigating  the ACI's and indexes , I need to know if all "default 
> indexes" showing in 389-console admin are necessary beside the one which 
> we create for our application requirement :
> - there are a 1/2 dozen of default indexes which are were there with DS 
> installation aka:
> mailalternateAddress, ntUserDomain, ntUserDomainid, 
> seeAlso,numsubordinates  etc... Can we just go an remove this indexes 
> from DS ( using admin console?) , are they been used internally by 
> database ?
> -Is there a way to export all indexes in ldif file same we are doing 
> with ACI's , how?

You can save the configuration of the indexes from cn=config, and just re-apply
them later along with a task to re-index the database.

> We are seeing running a ldapsearc cmd line for count of groups ( 7000 
> entries with memberOf plugin enabled) takes aprox 17-18 sec with server 
> cfg fro multimaster replication and this is not acceptable by our users.

It's unlikely the indexes are the problem here. Indexes tend to create slow
write conditions, not slow reads. Can you please give an example of a search
from your slapd-<inst>/access log with an etime >0, so that we can see what is
being attempted? 

I suspect with the times you are quoting, it's likely that there is a lack-of
-index on a certain key attribute in your search. You'll probably find that the
log entry will have a field saying "notes=U". However, I'd like to see the logs
for evidence of this.

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