Fedora Board & FESCo Recap 2008-JUN-09

John Poelstra poelstra at redhat.com
Tue Jun 17 13:03:48 UTC 2008


= Fedora Project Board & FESCo Meeting :: Monday 2008-06-09 =

* Attendees: Seth Vidal, Dennis Gilmore, Chris Aillon, Spot, Bill 
Nottingham, Karsten Wade, Jeff Spaleta, Matt Domsch, Máirín Duffy, Paul 
Frields, Jesse Keating, Jason Tibbits, Jeremy Katz, Josh Boyer, 
Christian Iseli, and John Poelstra.

== Background ==
* Both boards met in a joint session to discuss the future of FESCo
* Meeting called as a result of FESCo's query to the board as to what 
its purpose is
* History on feature process and FESCo: 

== Proposed Approach ==
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Pfrields/Drafts/Roles

== Possible Role of FESCo ==
# Software in Fedora--"if you affect the distro"
# Features
# Oversight of SIGs
* No common agreement on this

== SIGS ==
* Example of a SIG: KDE, Robotics, Astronomy, Python, $LANG
* Not a SIG: Artwork, Ambassadors, Infrastructure
* No Governance Model
* Outreach-Oriented Groups
* Nuts & Bolts Tech-Oriented

== Meeting Outcome ==
=== Fedora Board Actions ===
* The board has not changed its stance that FESCo owns the feature process
* The board will meet to determine the other things that FESCo should be 
responsible for
* The board define roles that it has for FESCo going forward

=== FESCo Actions ===
* FESCo to provide the following to the Fedora Board
# summary of their other ongoing work
# what their current focus areas are
* FESCo will lay out what they want to be responsible for going forward

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