Fedora Board Recap 2008-JUN-10

John Poelstra poelstra at redhat.com
Tue Jun 17 15:22:36 UTC 2008


== Roll Call ==

* Attendees: Steve Dickson, Chris Aillon, Matt Domsch, Bill Nottingham, 
John Poelstra, Paul Frields, Seth Vidal, Karsten Wade, Jeff Spaleta
* Regrets: Dennis Gilmore

== Followup to Previous Business ==

=== Fedora Organizational Structure (2008-06-03) ===
* Joint meeting with Board and FESCo held on 2008-06-09
** http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Board/Meetings/2008-06-09
** Proposed roles: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Pfrields/Drafts/Roles
* The board has not change its stance that FESCo owns the feature process
* Lengthy discussion about the path forward

== Future Business (discuss at a future meeting) ==

=== Codeina (2008-05-13) ===
* Need to restart discussion on fedora-advisory-board at redhat.com to get 
plans in place at the start of F10
* Chris Aillon to make contact with Bastien Nocera to find out what 
current plans are

=== Secondary Architectures ===
* ia64 is close to coming online and two issues need to be resolved to 
move forward:
# Packages are signed with a fedora-ia64 specific key and the repository 
keys are hard coded in the fedora-release package as the main Fedora and 
Fedora beta keys.
# The download baseurl (outside of the mirror lists, which are correctly 
handled) will be at secondary.fedoraproject.org (or whatever). 
Therefore they can not spin a release from Fedora packages.
* Is this a board issue to resolve or simply an information update to 
the board to keep them updated?

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