[Fedora-ambassadors-list] Talk at BLUG

Tejas Dinkar tejasdinkar at gmail.com
Sat Mar 25 06:19:55 UTC 2006


Someone volunteered me to speak at my LUG (the Bangalore Linux Users
Group), today, and the talk will be in another few hours.

I'll of course make my slides available as soon as the talk is over.

This is a different kinda talk than those on the fp.o, because I have 15
mins on `Why FC5 changes the entropy of the Universe`. (because I was so
exited about FC5 when it released).

However, in my talk, I'm also required to give a few reasons I DON'T
like FC5, so there will be a slide called "Things in FC5 that annoy the
hell out of me".

Because of the above slide, my talk may not necessarily be given as a
"Fedora Ambassador", but just as a general enthusiast.


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