[Ambassadors] FAmNA Meeting Minutes from 2008-09-30

Brian Powell bpowell01 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 03:28:15 UTC 2008

21:00-!- ke4qqq changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: NA Ambassadors meeting
21:01 * herlo is Clint Savage and is present
21:01-!- herlo changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: FAMNA Meeting
- Roll Call!!
21:01< KarlieRobinson> KarlieRobinson
21:01 * ke4qqq is also present
21:01-!- inode0 [n=inode0 at fedora/inode0] has joined #fedora-meeting
21:02 * DemonJester BrianPowell
21:03-!- spoleeba [n=one at fedora/Jef] has joined #fedora-meeting
21:04< herlo> anyone else?  rislam??
21:04-!- rdieter [n=rdieter at ip68-110-20-4.om.om.cox.net] has quit
[Remote closed the connection]
21:04 * ianweller lurks
21:05-!- vwbusguy [n=scott at fedora/vwbusguy] has joined #fedora-meeting
21:05< vwbusguy> here
21:05-!- crossbytes [n=crossbyt at fedora/crossbytes] has joined #fedora-meeting
21:06< ke4qqq> lets begin then
21:06< ke4qqq> who wants to post irc log?
21:06< DemonJester> !
21:07< ke4qqq> DemonJester has it.
21:07< ke4qqq> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Meetings/2008-09-30#Agenda
21:07< ke4qqq> Agenda ^^^
21:08< ke4qqq> Alright - first up - lets talk about recruiting new
contributors to Fedora
21:09< herlo> wasn't that what rislam wanted to discuss??
21:09< ke4qqq> no, he wanted to talk about involving new ambassadors
21:09< herlo> oh
21:09< ke4qqq> I added this one
21:09 * herlo yields the floor
21:10< ke4qqq> Alright - well I'll just say what I am thinking.....and
that is that we aren't doing enough to recruit new people
21:10< ke4qqq> to contribute
21:10< ke4qqq> in NA
21:11-!- rislam [i=rislam at] has joined #fedora-meeting
21:11< ke4qqq> So I'd like to hear what people see as problems with
getting people
21:11< herlo> direction
21:11< ke4qqq> recruited
21:11< KarlieRobinson> I met a guy through OLPC wanting to know how to
become an ambassador
21:11< ke4qqq> interesting - that's true....
21:11< KarlieRobinson> he seemed to think that it was hard to become one
21:11< herlo> I don't know about you, but what direction are we giving
people to become contributors
21:11< rislam> sorry for being late
21:11< rislam> RashadulIslam
21:11< ke4qqq> well not just that, but are we even trying to recruit
21:12 * ke4qqq yields the meeting to rislam
21:12< DemonJester> my first thought is lack of numbers and effort.
21:12< rislam> thx ke4qqq
21:12< ke4qqq> lack of numbers of what?? and what kind of effort.
21:12< ke4qqq> maybe the better question is how do we fix it.
21:13< DemonJester> effort/direction.. lack of active ambassadors
21:13< DemonJester> lets face it out of the number of NA Ambassadors I
am not seeing much done except by a very small group.
21:13< rislam> DemonJester: we need a solution for this
21:13< herlo> !
21:13< ke4qqq> herlo:
21:14< rislam> my proposal is : monthly report
21:14< herlo> so the thing I want to point out is that while we don't
have a ton of what you say *active* ambassadors, we do have quite a
few we don't actually know about
21:14 * herlo shies away from that word in bold
21:14< ke4qqq> +1
21:14< DemonJester> I would agree as well but how do we find them?
21:15< herlo> I've been watching over the past few months and am
realizing that many of our contributors are already ambassadors...
21:15< herlo> not in the formal sense
21:15< vwbusguy> yeah
21:15< rislam> +1 herlo
21:15< DemonJester> I would expand that to the point of normal Fedora
users to some extent as well.
21:15< rislam> specially in my region the number is not so many
21:15< ke4qqq> sure - but really I am concerned about the ones who are
doing the work and how we get them to bring in others - the people who
are the 'unsigned ambassadors' we have little control over.
21:15< herlo> which is something we could focus on, but getting more
contributors in NA I think is somewhat limited by the fact that we
don't have organized groups out there
21:16< herlo> I think about the Ubuntu Loco's for instance.
21:16< crossbytes> I think it would be helpful to have a wiki showing
us new ambassadors what groups are available and where we can
21:16< herlo> I'm not suggesting we go and make fugs either
21:16< vwbusguy> crossbytes, +1
21:16< ke4qqq> I'll take exception to that crossbytes
21:16< vwbusguy> herlo, no but maybe a list of helpful cinlugs
21:16< herlo> crossbytes: join.fedoraproject.org is that place
21:16< vwbusguy> sorry lugs
21:16< ke4qqq> no offence
21:17< ke4qqq> but I have no idea what's going on in your state
21:17< ke4qqq> I have a hard enough time finding out what's going on in my state
21:17< ke4qqq> (and it is hard)
21:17< ke4qqq> but you are actually on the ground there - (and I have
no idea what state you are in)
21:17< vwbusguy> maybe that could be up to the regional ambassadors to look into
21:17< herlo> the thing I think we need to focus on is getting these
'non-formal ambassadors' to go to the LUGs/Events in their area with
fedora gear
21:18< herlo> as well as the formal ambassadors
21:18< herlo> the question I have is, how?
21:18< vwbusguy> and Fedora media :)
21:18< herlo> gear = media, swag, etc.
21:18< ke4qqq> hmmmm the question I have is why would they be willing
to do the extra work if they aren't willing to join the ambassadors.
21:18< ke4qqq> not saying they all aren't
21:18< herlo> a lot of the times, I think they are already there
21:18< KarlieRobinson> most volunteers need to be asked before they'll
do something
21:18< rislam> we should concentrate about new Ambassadors
21:19< ke4qqq> KarlieRobinson: I agree
21:19< vwbusguy> I guess what woul dappeal to someone who is already
advocating Fedora on their own to join ambassadors?
21:19< rislam> KarlieRobinson, explain ur fucus statement pls
21:19< ke4qqq> vwbusguy: in the old days it was media/swag/etc.....now
I don't know
21:19< rislam> focus*
21:19< KarlieRobinson> It's the point where you know what needs to be
done and you ask till you find someone who says yes
21:20< ke4qqq> at times that makes me question the purpose of our
existence - til I see how EMEA runs things
21:20< KarlieRobinson> Our task list, with direct "can you help with this?"
21:20< ke4qqq> ok KarlieRobinson - so let me try this -
21:21< ke4qqq> if I asked you to take responsibility (either goto or
get someone else to) each LUG/installfest etc in western NY would that
21:21< KarlieRobinson> You'd get me talking
21:21< DemonJester> and me as well..
21:21< KarlieRobinson> it wouldn't mean I have the time to do it, but
you could certainly ask
21:21< herlo> I don't think it would.  But if you asked her, would you
go to this *one* event coming up in 3 weeks, can you do that?
21:21-!- jyulliano [n=jyullian at] has joined #fedora-meeting
21:22< KarlieRobinson> That would be a better way to do it Herlo
21:22< herlo> and then at the next event ask again, and ask others too...
21:22< ke4qqq> herlo: that's the problem
21:22< herlo> what we need maybe is a 'Call to Action' campaign
21:22< rislam> + KarlieRobinson and DemonJester
21:22-!- tuanta [n=tuanta at] has joined #fedora-meeting
21:22< ke4qqq> I have found 3 events that were advertised nowhere -
that no other distro showed up to
21:22< herlo> in other words, we 'Call to Action' those that could
help for a specific event/meeting
21:22< rislam> So we need a better speaker ?
21:23< KarlieRobinson> The thing with volunteers is that you have to
be conscious about the time they're giving while still meeting your
21:23< ke4qqq> how do I know that ohena falls ny is having an installfest
21:23< inode0> I suggested once such a thing to run along with release
events - those without events give one talk somewhere about Fedora
21:23< ke4qqq> ?
21:23< herlo> inode0: but that's not the only way to help
21:23< herlo> I think that's part of the problem
21:23< herlo> we're back to focusing only on events
21:24< inode0> no, but I am not going to ask someone to go to a lug in
San Antonio because I don't know of such a lug either
21:24< ke4qqq> right......but we aren't even doing events well imo
21:24< ke4qqq> except the large stuff like olf
21:24< KarlieRobinson> so we've got two problems
21:24< herlo> what about the folks in #fedora, there's a wealth of
people trying to get it running and need help.  Once they have it up,
they could be an excellent resource
21:24< KarlieRobinson> events and people to go to events
21:25< herlo> getting people to go to *big* events is easy
21:25< rislam> but how to make people involve with Fedora?
21:25< herlo> its the small ones that drive people to contribute IMO.
We have more time to spend with them
21:25< rislam> we can get lots of new people from events?
21:25< herlo> sure, but it's about percentages
21:25< inode0> people at the local level need to find the local opportunities
21:25< ke4qqq> I tend to think so - esp at the small events
21:26< ke4qqq> +1 inode0
21:26< KarlieRobinson> it's one thing to have people flock to you, but
you have to have something for them to do so they'll stay engaged with
the project
21:26< inode0> we can help them with how to approach those opportunities
21:26 * herlo wants a definition now of *small* when it comes to events
21:26< ke4qqq> 20 people
21:26< ke4qqq> 20-50 is small
21:26< ke4qqq> imo
21:26< herlo> < 100
21:27< ke4qqq> I agree - thats where I think that we need to then
mentor or introduce new contributors.
21:27< herlo> but again, we need more than just *events* to pull
contributors from, which is why I keep going back to #fedora
21:27< rislam> to me we should discuss about these areasa to get new
contributors for fedora:
21:27< KarlieRobinson> but what will these new folks do?
21:28< ke4qqq> herlo - I agree with you, but at this point - we need
to concentrate on one thing - we aren't doing that one thing well yet
- spreading us even more thin doesn't help.
21:28< herlo> KarlieRobinson: join.fedoraproject.org has a good list
21:28< ke4qqq> KarlieRobinson: so I have been recruiting in the past few weeks
21:28< ke4qqq> and asking specifically for Docs and OLPC - (because I
know those areas)
21:28< ke4qqq> and then I introduce the new contribs
21:28< ke4qqq> to people like quaid
21:28< ke4qqq> who then gives them work
21:28< KarlieRobinson> so should we have a best practices sort of thing
21:29< rislam> +1 ke4qqq
21:29< herlo> +1 ke4qqq
21:29< herlo> I see the light here now
21:29< ke4qqq> and quaid despises me because I keep bringing him newbs
to train :) j/k
21:29< herlo> we need a list of people and tasks
21:29< herlo> much like Seneca college asked for
21:29< rislam> we can easily find people who wants to help Fedora in
specific area
21:29< ke4qqq> yes!
21:29< rislam> + herlo
21:29 * herlo tries to find that list
21:30< KarlieRobinson> again, best practices - senaca does it well,
EMEA does things well, how can we use that to our advantage? To climb
the learning curve
21:30< ke4qqq> so Karlie - would you be interested in writing that up for us?
21:31< herlo> http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/Project_List
21:31< ke4qqq> I agree seneca and emea do a fabulous job
21:31< ke4qqq> I mean look at what's going on in hungary right now
21:31< herlo> ke4qqq: lol
21:31< herlo> you gave KarlieRobinson a job :)
21:31< ke4qqq> while we want to go to events and hand out media (which is good)
21:31< KarlieRobinson> Well what about a simple Help wanted?
21:31< ke4qqq> :)
21:31< inode0> so we say emea does a fabulous job - who are they
recruiting and how?
21:31< herlo> KarlieRobinson: that requires jobs, well defined jobs
21:31< ke4qqq> yes
21:32< herlo> or at least projects, well defined projects
21:32< ke4qqq> which requires that we know whats going on in the project
21:32< KarlieRobinson> I know she who shares it chairs it and all, but
lets not get too hasty
21:32< ke4qqq> so I know that docs needs a newbs guide to filing bugs in bz....
21:32< herlo> and Paul's latest passion, Triage
21:32< ke4qqq> yes
21:33< KarlieRobinson> So let's define what needs help so we know what
type of people we need to find.
21:33< rislam> we need all kind of people
21:33< KarlieRobinson> but that's too broad
21:33< herlo> rislam: sure, but yeah
21:33< rislam> importantly, active people
21:33< herlo> what KarlieRobinson said
21:33< KarlieRobinson> we need to know who we're looking for
21:33< ke4qqq> everything needs help - lol.....but yes - we need to
talk to the sub-project owners.....and see what NEWB work they need
21:34< herlo> rislam: avoiding the word active is something we really should do
21:34< herlo> its a long story, but trust me, you don't want to go there
21:34< ke4qqq> yes - we need that to become a kickban word
21:34< herlo> well
21:34< herlo> I wouldn't go that far
21:34< KarlieRobinson> I did distaster services with the American red
cross for a long time
21:34< rislam> ok herlo, thx
21:34< herlo> distaster :)
21:34< KarlieRobinson> the point with voluntters, is that sometimes
you have more than you can deal with and other times not enought
21:34< herlo> true
21:34< KarlieRobinson> let a woman type ok?
21:34< herlo> :) sorry
21:35< DemonJester> lol
21:35< KarlieRobinson> when you have something big you get folks who
must be carefully selected for a job
21:35< rislam> KarlieRobinson: what about Women in Fedora
21:35< rislam> ?
21:35< KarlieRobinson> anyone can operate a fork, but not everyone
should be part of a feeding station
21:36< KarlieRobinson> Fedora women is around sorta, but I haven't had
much time to devote to it
21:36< KarlieRobinson> you must remember that I work with over 50 Linux projects
21:36< KarlieRobinson> and Now OLPC
21:36< rislam> another is: you ask to everyone, what kind of
contributor you need/
21:36< KarlieRobinson> yes
21:37< KarlieRobinson> now you're getting it
21:37< KarlieRobinson> almost like a job description
21:37< herlo> !
21:37< ke4qqq> so what action items can we take from this?
21:37< herlo> pointing back to what I said before
21:37< herlo> the stuff that seneca college has listed
21:38< DemonJester> a defined project requirements document.
21:38< herlo> is a good start for us, the join.fedoraproject.org page
also gives us a direction
21:38-!- bpepple_
[n=bpepple|@adsl-75-49-22-0.dsl.wotnoh.sbcglobal.net] has quit
21:38< herlo> so we need to take those two resources and any other
good resources we can find and make a list of positions within Fedora
that people can contribute to in short-order
21:38< herlo> +1 DemonJester
21:38< ke4qqq> quaid has spent a good bit of time setting up tasks for
newbs.....so we need to review that and then ask others
21:39< ke4qqq> and look at what other groups take to join
21:39< herlo> ke4qqq: link??
21:39< herlo> ooh, and another thing, Ambassadors are mentors.
21:39< ke4qqq> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_content_tasks_for_new_contributors
21:39< ke4qqq> yes
21:39< ke4qqq> so don't drop them off after the fas account creation
21:39< herlo> we're here to help new contributors get started.  Point
them in the right direction and help them along the way
21:39< ke4qqq> follow up with people
21:40< herlo> once we see real contributions, it's not the end of the road
21:40< inode0> followup, does anyone know how emea is attacking the
recruitment issue?
21:40< herlo> this, however, doesn't mean we need to know how to
create art, or build rpms.  It just means we need to know some people
in those areas and help new contributors get there
21:41< herlo> inode0: nope, we should consider inviting emea to one of
our meetings
21:41< ke4qqq> also another good newb task is triaging, and poelcat
and jlaskas presentation is great - everyone should read it - just so
you know what the new people will have to do to get involved.
21:41< KarlieRobinson> +1 herlo
21:41< herlo> we'd have to change the time for the meeting once though
21:41< ke4qqq> no, but we ought to know what's required to get involved
21:41< ke4qqq> and the people in the project
21:41 * inode0 thinks we should have a time convenient to emea to have
a friendly chat about tactics
21:41< ke4qqq> so if it's art, we should know nicu and mizmo.
21:42< herlo> ke4qqq: right on
21:42< ke4qqq> inode0: look at the recent traffic about hungary on the list.
21:42-!- jyulliano [n=jyullian at] has quit ["Saindo"]
21:42< ke4qqq> alright - so lets invite a project a week to join us -
how about art next week? let them tell us a 10 minute synopsis about
getting involved
21:43< rislam> +1 ke4qqq
21:43< inode0> great idea
21:43< KarlieRobinson> +1
21:43< herlo> +1 ke4qqq
21:43< DemonJester> +1
21:43< herlo> should we do that every week for a while?
21:43< rislam> lets see what they want
21:43< ke4qqq> yes!
21:43< herlo> different groups
21:43< inode0> yes
21:43 * herlo will get docs lined up for late October then
21:43< herlo> let's build a schedule too
21:43< inode0> this would be very helpful to me I know
21:43< ke4qqq> ok, I'll take on art
21:43< herlo> I'll take tha ton
21:43< ke4qqq> yep
21:43 * herlo is assigned a schedule
21:43< ke4qqq> then triaging/QA thereafter?
21:43< rislam> this helps me a lot too
21:44< herlo> rislam: I should point out that you are the taskmaster this week
21:44< inode0> i can arrange triage
21:44< ke4qqq> don't let that stop you from talking to these people in
irc though
21:44< herlo> rislam: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA/Tasks
21:44< ke4qqq> and asking questions
21:44< rislam> i am ready for that herlo
21:44< herlo> :)
21:44< crossbytes> this will help alot with my current "school"  project
21:45< rislam> but you all help me to finalize the task
21:45< herlo> rislam: just add it on the tasks page and we'll help
21:46< herlo> crossbytes: how so?
21:46 * herlo is intrigued
21:46< crossbytes> being able to use the knowledge of the art meetings
21:46< herlo> :)
21:47< crossbytes> when it comes to meeting with school administrators
21:47< crossbytes> and getting Fedora in the school system here in WA
21:47< DemonJester> I can arrange QA / Release Rawhide Testing when
needed in the future
21:47-!- lcafiero [n=larry at adsl-99-163-5-114.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net]
has joined #fedora-meeting
21:48 * lcafiero apologizes for being so late and blames F10 Alpha not
playing nice with his wireless card
21:49 * DemonJester reminds lcafiero that F10 Beta is out now.. ;-)
21:49< herlo> okay, rislam should we move on?
21:49< inode0> I will also volunteer to try to arrange a conference
with emea ambassadors
21:49-!- herlo changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Agenda is
located at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Meetings/2008-09-30
21:50-!- herlo changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: FAMNA Meeting
- Agenda is located at
21:50< rislam> give me 1 min pls
21:51< inode0> time's up
21:52< rislam> yes please move on
21:52< ke4qqq> rislam: you are leading the meeting
21:52< herlo> rislam: you are running ht show
21:52 * inode0 was kidding
21:52-!- lajjr [n=lajjr at pool-71-181-174-230.sctnpa.east.verizon.net]
has joined #fedora-meeting
21:52< herlo> we can wait a bit more if you need
21:52< rislam> Topic 2 is : Involving New Ambassadors to enrich the
Fedora Community
21:52 * DemonJester hears Jeopardy music playing in background
21:53 * herlo asks if that isn't the same basic topic
21:53< KarlieRobinson> +1 herlo
21:53< herlo> or if it is different, how...
21:53< rislam> not the same basic topic
21:54< rislam> but yes it is in some way
21:54< rislam> i need to propose few things before i start
21:55< rislam> can I?
21:55< inode0> sure
21:56< rislam> a) we should invite all the Engineering association to
all university to make a group for Fedora and Give them a task
21:56< rislam> b) Everyone must need to attend a conference to give a
short speech about Fedora and how to join
21:57< rislam> c) Manage monthly Report and send it to the root of all
21:58< rislam> d) Let people find what is the interest of Fedora and
what side they like to work
21:58< rislam> thts it
21:59< DemonJester> !
21:59< herlo> a and b are not feasible, but I really like c.  d
interests me, but I think that's because it is what we are already
trying to do
21:59< rislam> these few are the best way to get new people and
exactly for specific side of Fedora
21:59< lajjr> Am I allowed to say something?
21:59< inode0> I think (a) is very interesting
22:00< rislam> yes please lajjr
22:00< inode0> Maybe a Fedora sponsored engineering contest of some sort?!
22:00< herlo> anyone can speak up
22:00< lajjr> Well after talking to alot of student and teachers
locally I find that they a intrested in more than one..
22:00< DemonJester> careful we dont step on Red Hat's efforts with that though
22:01 * inode0 not concerned that much about Red Hat toes at the moment
22:01< ke4qqq> don't worry about RH - results are what matter - come
away with results and don't hide what you are doing and no one will
say anything
22:01< herlo> !
22:01< lajjr> are they in fact in enter into more than one..
22:01< ke4qqq> or if they do they will applaud you
22:01< rislam> +1 inode0, the idea was great
22:02< herlo> I'm concerned about a) in that it came across to me as
inviting Fedora Engineering to appear at a university
22:02< herlo> if that's not what its purpose is, please clarify
22:02< inode0> well, I was thinking of it more as some direct attempt
to engage more engineering groups at universities
22:02< herlo> I liek that idea better
22:03< rislam> i make it little more clear
22:03< rislam> marketting side to all the universities have a list of to do
22:03< rislam> the purpose of these are to make the university more high ranked
22:04< rislam> we can use that through the Engineering Association
22:04< herlo> !
22:04< herlo> I think that goes back to our point in the previous
conversation about contributors, and I agree
22:05< herlo> rislam: do you disagree?
22:05< rislam> as Fedora is free and big community, they wants to
include themselves with it
22:05< herlo> no argument
22:05< rislam> +1 herlo
22:06< herlo> that's much clearer and while I think it is a great
goal, it fits better with the 'contributor' more than the 'ambassador'
22:06< DemonJester> I agree
22:06< herlo> as far as b) goes, my opinion is that its completely infeasible.
22:07< herlo> while its nice to get peopel to go to conferences, not
everyone can afford it, either in cost or in time
22:07< DemonJester> not to mention will keep intraverted people from
even thinking about it
22:07< herlo> +1
22:07< crossbytes> +1
22:07< rislam> +1
22:07< herlo> c) is in the works, and I like the idea here
22:07< herlo> maybe we should expand it to be more than just events
22:07< rislam> +1 herlo
22:07< herlo> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA/EventTracking
22:08< herlo> it's not great yet, I need a better model here
22:08< rislam> b) is easy to handle because of the regional leader
22:08 * herlo disagrees
22:08< lajjr> I consider myself both..contributor and an ambassador...
22:08< herlo> there is no way everyone can attend a conference that is
an ambassador, nor willthey
22:08< herlo> lajjr: right, all of us should
22:09 * herlo points directly at Southern_Gentlem as a great example
22:09< inode0> ambassadors shouldn't be required to give presentations
at events, encouraged, but not required I don't think
22:09< herlo> he's a great contributor
22:09< herlo> in #fedora
22:09< lajjr> I have event can I add it to
22:09< ke4qqq> yes - you should be involved in something more than
ambassadors IMHO
22:09< herlo> and while he comes to FUDCon and other events, he
clearly prefers to be an ambassador in #fedora
22:09< rislam> we should make certain rules for that, but we should
encourage them in all possible ways
22:09< herlo> which I think we all shoudl participate too
22:10< herlo> +1 rislam
22:10< ke4qqq> lajjr: please yes-  what's important is what's after the fact.
22:10< herlo> lajjr: +1
22:10< ke4qqq> also add to /Events
22:10-!- tuanta [n=tuanta at] has left #fedora-meeting []
22:10< rislam> +1 ke4qqq
22:10< herlo> EventTracking is for after the event is over
22:10< herlo> Event is before/during
22:10< lajjr> ok.
22:11< herlo> rislam: do you think we have a good start on your topic?
22:11< rislam> yes herlo
22:11< inode0> art seems to me another possible area for an organized
contest among university students
22:11< herlo> :)
22:11< herlo> inode0: agreed
22:11< rislam> +1 inode0
22:12< rislam> and it costs not too much
22:12 * inode0 will bounce the idea off mizmo
22:13< inode0> and a few engineers to see what they think
22:13< herlo> can we move to the next topic?
22:14 * herlo looks at his watch (aka known as the clock on gnome)
22:14< inode0> we better
22:14< herlo> pcalarco isn't here ??
22:14< ke4qqq> he sent an update
22:14< rislam> so, you all want me to send a proposal for Fedora to
all the universities in Canada
22:15< ke4qqq> rislam: send it to the list for more discussion I think
22:15< herlo> rislam: let's meet again next week or discuss in the ml
22:15< ke4qqq> get the benefit of the people (esp educators) there
22:15< herlo> start a draft
22:15< rislam> ok
22:15< ke4qqq> +1 herlo
22:15< rislam> +1 herlo
22:15 * herlo is building his karma
22:15< ke4qqq> lol
22:16< ke4qqq> anyone know santosh kumar?
22:16< ke4qqq> if so tell him to ping pascal
22:16< ke4qqq> otherwise lets leave the polo item
22:16< herlo> is this the idle discussion while we wait for rislam to
move topics :)
22:16< herlo> oh
22:17< ke4qqq> yes
22:17< rislam> thx ke4qqq to help me
22:17< ke4qqq> and skip over one
22:17< rislam> Topic 3) Update on Ambassador polos, round II
22:17< inode0> does anyone know the status? have they been shipped?
22:18< DemonJester> yes they were shipped
22:18< ke4qqq> they have shipped with the exception of Santosh Kumar
22:18< herlo> pcalarco sent an update, I remember seeing it in the email
22:18< inode0> ok, what is next?
22:19< rislam> topic 4) FADNA @ OLF
22:19 * herlo slaps ke4qqq around a little for failing
22:19< herlo> :-D with a killer whale named hugh
22:19 * inode0 was billed for buttons but still no sign of them
22:20< herlo> inode0: from purebuttons.com?
22:20< inode0> yes
22:20< herlo> they'll come
22:20< ke4qqq> shirts?
22:20< herlo> I'd like to point out that we now have a budget
22:21< herlo> I worked a little on the shirts today, but I am not a
great designre
22:21< herlo> I can order them, but designing takes longer.  I'm going
to bug ianweller and tell him I need his help
22:21< ke4qqq> can a lurker such as ianweller help any? :)
22:21< herlo> lol
22:21< ianweller> whuuuut
22:21< rislam> :)
22:22< inode0> ianweller can splash Fedora on a t-shirt better than most
22:22< ke4qqq> tell him we'll give him one if she designs for us
22:22< ke4qqq> s/she/he
22:22< herlo> lol
22:22< inode0> can we have the splatter on the back? :)
22:22< herlo> freudian slip if I've every seen one
22:22< rislam> speak carefully because all the ambassadors read it on
their email
22:22< rislam> :)
22:22< herlo> :)
22:23< herlo> ianweller can take it
22:23< ke4qqq> ok, add that task to him
22:23< herlo> we think he's great!
22:23< ke4qqq> FADpub- have the poeple on the ground suggested a location?
22:23< ianweller> whuuuut
22:23< herlo> I'll do a little more work tonight, and see if I can't
get something decent designed.  If not, I'll chase down ianweller
22:23< herlo> ke4qqq: I did suggest that we move it to Friday night
22:24< rislam> ke4qqq please add the task
22:24< ke4qqq> rislam: k
22:24 * ianweller takes out some curly braces from some wiki templates
and throws them at herlo
22:24< rislam> thx
22:24< herlo> ianweller: rofl
22:25< rislam> +1 ianweller
22:25< ianweller> the wiki doesn't need them
22:25 * ianweller watches template contents spill out on my keyboard
22:25< ianweller> whoops
22:25< herlo> okay, so we've been awarded $500 budget
22:25< herlo> but we have to submit receipts and get reimbursed
22:26< rislam> thx spevack
22:26< herlo> we have $160 for the room (fail on ke4qqq for not
reserving today) at the Holiday Inn Express in Grove City for Sunday
22:26< inode0> yes, thank you spevack
22:26< herlo> FADNA will pick up Breakfast (probably) on Sunday and
possibly lunch
22:26 * ke4qqq will do that before I get breakfast tomorrow
22:26< herlo> we'll have t-shirts (likely)
22:26< herlo> so let me calculate that
22:26< ke4qqq> ianweller:
22:26< herlo> $160 - room
22:27< herlo> ~$100 - food
22:27< herlo> (breakfast only)
22:27< herlo> ~$150 - shirts
22:27< herlo> that's $410
22:27< herlo> leaving a little for FADPub
22:27< herlo> possibly
22:27< herlo> thoughts?
22:27< ke4qqq> and no lunch
22:27< herlo> well, or lunch
22:28< inode0> prefers lunch to breakfast
22:28< herlo> how many people are coming?
22:28< ke4qqq> me too
22:28< DemonJester> agrees
22:28< herlo> 8 I think last count
22:28 * ke4qqq is coming
22:28 * inode0 doesn't generally eat breakfast
22:28 * herlo is fine with making people pay for breakfast then and
buying lunch a bit early
22:28< inode0> breakfast at noon or 5pm is ok though :)
22:28< herlo> but lunch is usually more costly...
22:28< herlo> ~$150
22:29< herlo> either way, I think we'll still be fine
22:29< rislam> Try to keep some change in case of emergency
22:29< ke4qqq> anything else on budget?
22:29< herlo> can't think of anything
22:29< herlo> anyone else?
22:29< rislam> Can we move on?
22:29< ke4qqq> lets talk about who is doing what to get remote people involved
22:29< ke4qqq> one second please rislam
22:30< ke4qqq> herlo - can we use utoscs icecast server?
22:30-!- LetoTo [n=paul at 76-10-173-74.dsl.teksavvy.com] has quit ["Leaving."]
22:30< herlo> ke4qqq: sure
22:30< ke4qqq> for audio
22:30< herlo> not an issue at all
22:30< ke4qqq> or perhaps we can do asterisk conference
22:30< ke4qqq> that's two way
22:30< herlo> I have everything needed to configure it
22:30< herlo> asterisk is doable too, we need to talk with jsmith
22:30< DemonJester> you have video inputs on the icecast server?
22:30< herlo> nope
22:30< ke4qqq> who wants to talk to jsmith?
22:30< herlo> but it can do that
22:30< herlo> ke4qqq: I can
22:31< ke4qqq> ok
22:31< herlo> DemonJester: icecast would just stream an ogg file, so
if its video it will work
22:31 * herlo asks for a task on that
22:31< DemonJester> I am talking about a capture card for live streaming
22:31 * ke4qqq working on it
22:31< herlo> DemonJester: nope don't have one in my lappy
22:32< herlo> I'll be flying and won't be bringing any pc's with me
22:32< ke4qqq> whatabout a webcam
22:33< ke4qqq> ?
22:33< herlo> I have on eof those
22:33< ke4qqq> can we use that?
22:33< ke4qqq> to then encode and stream?
22:33< herlo> nope
22:33< ke4qqq> ohhhwell
22:34< herlo> not unless you know how to make istanbul record audio
better with gstreamer
22:34< ke4qqq> audio will have to do then
22:34< herlo> its just too much of a challenge in a short amount of time
22:34< ke4qqq> I agree
22:34< ke4qqq> there's already plenty to do
22:34< ke4qqq> anything else?
22:34< herlo> audio is generally good enough though I know most people
would like to see stuff
22:35< ke4qqq> yep
22:35< DemonJester> could we use a meeting room on Fedora Talk?
22:36< herlo> maybe
22:36 * herlo has never tested that
22:36< herlo> that's why jsmith will be involved
22:36< herlo> he'll help me get it set up if its doable
22:36< ke4qqq> see if we can get a sip phone with speaker to carry if possible
22:36< ke4qqq> even if we only borrow it
22:36< herlo> sure
22:36< herlo> I'll ask
22:37< herlo> is that it ??
22:37< herlo> rislam: what say ye?
22:37< rislam> topic 5) Any other business
22:38 * inode0 points new business to next week
22:38< herlo> +1
22:38< rislam> please add it on next week's agenda
22:39-!- Evil_Sonar_Chick [n=Andrea at fedora/SonarGal] has quit ["Leaving"]
22:39< rislam> Can we adjourn the meeting
22:39< herlo> count it down
22:40< rislam> eof



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