[Ambassadors] More thoughts on the education process and new contributors in general

Mathieu Bridon (bochecha) bochecha at fedoraproject.org
Fri Sep 12 09:19:33 UTC 2008


> Every company, when it takes in new employees has (or should have) an
> orientation process. While I don't think that we should make it
> mandatory - I think that if a new user comes along and says I want to
> get involved - where do I start - we need to have an answer.

In fact, I've been using Fedora for nearly 3 years now, and I only
recently started to actively contribute. Why ? Because I didn't know what
to do... :/

Such an orientation process might have make me contribute earlier, and as
you say, I'm definitely not the only one.

> I know lmacken is working on some task queueing stuff for new
> contributors and that may obsolete the above idea, but it is a problem
> I perceive.

If I'm thinking about the same thing as you are, I don't see how this
would obsolete your proposal.

[Forget what follows if I'm wrong on the person / project]

His idea is about how people with technical skills can find a technical
project to work on. Your proposal is about people not knowing what to do /
not having any particular skill find a task to do.

His idea could also be applied to non technical tasks, that doesn't make
your proposal less significant:
- there could be no task in this queue system corresponding to the skills
I possess at the moment
- I might not be interested in any of the proposed tasks

What do I do in this case ?

Here comes your proposal: a path for people not knowing what to do, an
orientation journey for everyone to find what they like, what they want to
help with.


Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
French Fedora Ambassador

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