[Ambassadors] Hello Ambassadors

Bodhi Zazen bodhi.zazen at montanalinux.org
Wed Jun 8 22:44:21 UTC 2011

First, sorry for the double post, my first mailing likely bounced.

Just getting over my procrastination and I would like to introduce myself to the team and work towards joining the team.

Some of you may know me from other circles, namely Ubuntu, or from my blog or web site.

My blog and web pages tend to be oriented at documentation and for the most part grew out of my activities with my LUG.

I have been using Fedora since FC , as my primary OS since F10. Personally I found F15 to be a bit buggy, but most of my major bugs seem to ve working out either via bug fixes or work arounds.

Most of my activity has been on the Forums, although more recently I am trying to be more active with Fedora including #fedora, bug reports, etc.

My interests have always been in assisting users transition from Windows to Linux. Other interests tend to include servers, custom linux live CD, and virtualization (mainly KVM).

If you are interested:

blog: http://blog.bodhizazen.net/

web pages: http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/

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