[Ambassadors] T-shirt for each F19 release party organizer

Jiri Eischmann eischmann at redhat.com
Tue May 7 12:56:08 UTC 2013

John T. Rose píše v Po 06. 05. 2013 v 14:57 -0500:
> On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Jiri Eischmann <eischmann at redhat.com> wrote:
> > As I said, I have no problem to include others, but they have to make a
> > move. What I hear all the time is that FAmSCo should only take care of
> > ambassador program and that we're not the emperors of Fedora Project.
> > What do you think they'd say if we came up with raffles and set rules
> > for other teams.
> They said thank you last time. Forcing someone in QA for example to
> decide who should get something is very awkward and problematic for
> them. If we sent something out of the blue to obvious contributors in
> QA based on whatever I think they would just be very happy.
> > I'm OK with helping other teams with production and distribution because
> > that's what ambassadors have experience with, but they have to do the
> > rest: set criteria, identify people who qualify for a gift etc.
> > I personally asked Fedora QA several times if they'd like to send some
> > goodies to their testing heroes. I heard back that they were not sure if
> > that was the right way to go. I've been asked several times by people
> > from different Fedora teams if I could give them some goodies to
> > recognize a contributor in their team. I never turned them down and gave
> > them what was available (hats, mugs, stickers,...).
> > So they're not being left out, but it needs to be their initiative.
> > FAmSCo and ambassadors are here to help, not to dictate rules and force
> > raffles upon other teams.
> Wow. Saying thank you to someone is now dictating and forcing things
> on them? I don't know what to say so I'll stop now. Sorry for the
> interruption.

The problem is that we obviously don't have sufficient resources to
"thank with a gift" everyone who contributed. So you have to make a
criteria, to make a line and that always will be sensitive. Just look at
the Fedora 19 Alpha testing heroes. It's just a list of most active
testers and immediately after they published it, people complained that
they weren't on the list because they ended up under the line (they
obviously could list everyone who reported a bug). And now imagine that
FAmSCo, that should only take care of Fedora ambassadors, would start
raffles across the whole Fedora Project and make such lines. I just
don't feel empowered to do it.

But let's be more constructive: I'm willing to produce the t-shirts and
distribute them worldwide if we find a budget for that. But even if I
feel empowered to do that, I certainly won't have time to do the rest.
So someone needs to design the raffles, pick teams and projects, set
criteria, retrieve mail addresses from picked contributors. So far I've
seen a lot of feedback (and thank you for that) what not to do, what to
do differently etc., but I haven't seen any offered helping hands.


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