Call for papers FUDCon Managua 2014

yn1v at yn1v at
Fri Aug 22 22:34:29 UTC 2014

We are extending the dates of call for papers of FUDCon Managua 2014. 
After de first call, we end up with few people all of them ambassadors 
that happen to be in another team like packagers or infra. We count in 
the long lasting interest of Jared Smith on LATAM, as participate from 
Documentation team. The local team organizing the event feels that this 
is not representative of Fedora Project. There is an absence of teams 
like design, translation and QA, among others missing teams. Also there 
is a lack of topics like Fedora.Next and Cockpit that are relevant at 
this time.

The official dates are October, 23rd to 25th. Be aware that we have a 
short budget and traveling to Latin America is expensive, so we will 
have to select people. Don't be surprise if we have to pick only one 
people from those offering similar topics.

So, it will be a requisite to have at least one talk, but we expect more 
from each person. Beyond talks we have a computer lab for workshop. We 
want hand on workshops focus on transferring skills to collaborate to 
Fedora Project. We also will provide space for hacking. We will like to 
have a productive event, so we will favor people that propose activities 
that will produce new collaborators, or get things done. So please 
provide a small description of the talks, workshops, hacking that you 
propose and include your expected outcome.

Request will be handled on Fudcon Planning trac

You can submit your request starting today until August 31st . If you 
already submitted a request feel free to update your ticket before the 
dead line with the information requested. Double room will cost USD 
52.65 (all taxes included), this rate includes full breakfast. We hope 
that we can sponsor lodging for all people attending, as travel will be 
more expensive part of the budget.

Best regards

Linux User # 473217

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