[fedora-arm] Broken sha512sum in coreutils

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Fri Jan 7 15:24:30 UTC 2011

On 01/07/11 15:11, Somebody in the thread at some point said:

> That means that the sha512sum binary that ships in the f12 rootfs is
> broken. Where did your rootfs-f12 image come from? Did you build the
> coreutils yourself?

No, I build my images from packages, not using the tarball.  I have a 
script based off mkrootfs-f12 that uses yum and some magic to fetch from 
the normal repo and builds a rootfs purely from packages.

Maybe it means the stuff in the f12 tarball is broken but I am not sure 
you proved that yet.  You just show that the version in the f12 tarball 
has different size (so naturally different md5sum).  The breakage could 
still be in some other library from the tarball environment.


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