[fedora-arm] buildroot overrides

T.C. Hollingsworth tchollingsworth at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 05:05:41 UTC 2013

I wanted to test nodejs on the nifty little OLPC XO 1.75 I got for the
summer of hardware, so I followed these instructions [1] to build the
necessary packages for ARM and attempted to install them.
Unfortunately, ARM koii didn't respect my buildroot override and built
nodejs against the wrong version of libuv.

Is there a way to do buildroot overrides on ARM or will I have to wait
until packages get shadowbuilt?  (I'd really prefer not to have to
build locally if at all possible.)

Also, how can I make sure nodejs gets built against the right libuv
now that I screwed it up?


[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/Package_Maintainers

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