[fedora-arm] Fedora 23 for aarch64 is here!

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Wed Nov 4 14:51:21 UTC 2015

On 11/04/2015 02:47 PM, Clive Messer wrote:
> Maybe it is time, at least for ARM platform, to look at "softening" the
> "has to be upstream first" policy. This is hurting Fedora to the point
> of making it irrelevant on ARM. You either are supporting the popular
> consumer hardware that people are actually buying and using, (like Pi
> and Odroid on 32 bit, or the 2x consumer 96boards on 64 bit), or the
> ARM version of your OS is irrelevant to the majority of actual people
> who would otherwise be trying/using it. 

Well, you could make exactly the same observation to the upstream
kernel and installer developers.  It helps no-one to maintain a fork
with a bunch of platform-specific kludges.


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