Community voting

"Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" johannbg at
Tue Sep 24 20:32:21 UTC 2013

On 09/24/2013 05:20 PM, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Pitting the 'user/reporters' against the 'upstreams' in a vote? That's a
> horrible idea.
> It should be simple enough to determine, at a project leadership level:
> - What do we have bugzilla for? As a service for developers? As a service
>    for problem reporting for users? What is the relative priority of these?
> - Do we prefer to optimize for the ease of use and convenience of our users,
>    or our developers?
> - Do our competitors offer consolidated bug tracking, and then interface
>    with upstreams? Is it worth differing from them?
> etc.
> Weigh the answers to those questions at a project leadership level and make
> a decision. There's no need for it to come down to a binary vote, much like
> the switch from cvs to git wasn't voted on, and many other similar
> decisions.

It would be far best for us to have bugzilla of our own which we could 
hack against the things we need to hack against it ( like health monitor 
for component ), have the ability to ping infra as well as using 
upstream tools to fix,motify and even delete user accounts,customize our 
own workflows, not having to not being able to lookup bug because some 
employee at RH closed the bug as duplicate of internal bugs and various 
other fuckups in that regard etc.

The best middle ground we can have as an community that serves all of us 
as well as shake off us the rumour that we are only some fracking guine 
pigs for RH even on our 10th year anniversary [¹] is for us to have our 
own bugzilla instances as well as allow each sub community choose how 
they want things being reported .

But infra has said no to that as well as various maintainers has now and 
in the past wanted us to have reporters file bugs directly upstream ( as 
you yourself are very much aware of [2] ) so why bother filing reports 
here and trying to build QA community surrounding that when it has 
already been decided that we will never have our own bug tracker.

We are far better off filing bugs directly upstreaming then being 
handicapped community like this in RHBZ


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