[Fedora-mktg-brazil] Fwd: [Ambassadors] LATAM: What is done, and the real problems that nobody tells

Rodrigo Padula rodrigopadula at projetofedora.org
Wed Dec 2 17:19:33 UTC 2009

Eu realmente estou muito chateado com esse papo da Tatica.

Isso mostra como ela é imatura e como nao tem o minimo dos atributos
necessários para liderar uma comunidade.

Principalmente no que diz respeito a budget, ela fez acusações sérias
como se eu estivesse limitando ou controlando verba para uso proprio.

Coisa que não acontece, pois não há qualquer transferencia para conta
pessoal ou para meu total controle. Tudo que é passado para o Brasil vem
pela Red Hat Latam e todos os gastos são controlados pelo meu manager
que aprova ou libera de acordo com o que ele acha viável.

Toda viagem que faço para eventos desde que entrei para a red hat é paga
pelo departamente de Marketing ao qual eu sou vinculado, não uso um
centavo de verba do Fedora para isso.

Dos 20K citados, 15K foram gastos na FUDCon com material, estande,
passagens e hotel para varias pessoas ( Dennis, Toshio, Michael Tiemann,
Nushio, Neville, Matias, Ricardo) incluindo a própria Tatica que chegou
aqui sem um puto e eu ainda emprestei R$500,00 do meu proprio bolso para
ela poder atender o evento, depois ela me pagou por paypall em Dolares.
Na venezuela o pessoal sequer poder ter cartao internacional ou fazer
saques no exterior.. para ter ideia como tento apoiar esse pessoal como

Na america latina, somente apoiamos paises onde há escritorios da Red
Hat, pois nao tem como a empresa ficar enviando grana para contas pessoais.

Infelizmente a tatica é como o Hugo Chavez, fala demais, demagogia pura.
Nunca vi sequer uma palestras dela sobre Fedora em eventos.. é sempre
gimp ou inkscape.

Vou ignorar tudo isso e tocar a bola pra frente, só digo uma coisa, ela
nunca receberá nenhum apoio da minha parte e se eu tiver que apoiar a
venezuela vai ser através do Guillermo Gomes, que apesar de se outro
Chavista, pelo menos faz contribuições relevantes e sabe discutir e
tratar tudo com maturidade.

Caso alguem tenha qualquer pergunta sobre as afirmações feitas por ela,
me enviem email em PVT pois nao quero esticar este assunto.

Em 02-12-2009 11:59, Filipe Rosset [Projeto Fedora] escreveu:
> Pessoal, fiquem de olho, se programe para votar.
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections
> Em anexo segue um email da "tatica"
> Eu penso ser fundamental que o Rodrigo continue, sem ele as coisas podem
> ficar ainda mais complicadas aqui no Brasil.
> Filipe
> -------- Mensagem original --------
> Assunto:     [Ambassadors] LATAM: What is done, and the real problems that
> nobody tells
> Data:     Wed, 2 Dec 2009 08:16:55 -0430
> De:     María Leandro <tatica at fedoraproject.org>
> Responder a:     fedora-ambassadors-list at redhat.com
> Para:     fedora-ambassadors-list at redhat.com
> Hello to all.
> I'll like to translate to all of you a mail that I have just send to our
> local list. Hope my english let you understand what's happening:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Greetings to all
> I think the best way that I will have to answer this is to address the
> core issues of this mail.
> 1 .- "We are fighting internally without necessity." (Rodrigo Padula mail)
> Rodrigo: The only discussion that was held at the freenode channel
> #fedora-ambassadors and the topics were "why LATAM budget (+20.000us )
> represents a problem to help countries other than Brazil and recently
> Chile and Argentina. " This topic was discussed with Mr. John Rose, not me.
> 2 .- On the licensing of the wiki:
> Rodrigo: This is an issue that is being solved in other thread, and is
> not bad to have some protection. Again, I see no problems in the
> discussions because things take patiently are solved.
> 3 .- His discussions with me and FAmSCo: (Rodrigo Padula mail)
> Rodrigo: I remind you that you didn't do 2 of the 3 steps to FAmSCo. you
> didn't sent the questionnaire with the ambassadors questions and did not
> attend to any of the Town Hall (sessions for ambassadors to know you
> better). All I said was that I worried about this situation... But
> apparently you don't want me to join you in FAmSCo.
> 4 .- For the discussion on Channel ... honesty: (Rodrigo Padula mail)
> Rodrigo: I apologized for accusing you of that (which really was only
> one line of dialogue that said "I go to these channels since I started
> with Fedora, you joined them since FAmSCo elections"). Now ... I wish
> all my colleagues know that I answered that way because Mr. Rodrigo told
> me directly "immature" and "because you act like your President Chavez"
> (plus other things a little more offensive) I believe, were worse.
> I do not like taking the gossip Rodrigo ... but if you want, I have no
> problems.
> 5 .- On the personal relations: (Rodrigo Padula mail)
> I think the only one with which I may have a misunderstood is with Mr.
> Rodrigo. About the big things that you "talk" that wants to achieve in
> LATAM I already have 4 months "working" on those. That I can show to
> alll ... Now, that is not enough or that you will look bad, is another
> thing... list a few of the things I'm working personally:
> * Magazine Latam (we have 15 contributors now)
> * Artwork regionalized IN SPANISH (no pt): we have 6 contributors
> * Education: we have 5 contributors, starting with the efforts in
> Argentina.
> * Medicine: 2 contributors (Venezuela is a pioneer in this field by
> developing medical systems based on fedora)
> * Translation: Several videos, guides and tutorials.
> * Fedora Mobile: 4 contributors, are developing a distro for mobiles
> * Fedora beginners: start developing an app for basic users
> You see, deeds not words
> We need to STOP, BREATHE, carefully read and write more calm!(Rodrigo
> Padula mail)
> + 1
> Long live peace! (Rodrigo Padula mail)
> As a reflection Gentlemen
> It's easy to put a +1 where we believe that another person has a good
> idea, but how many of you are working on these big ideas? It is time to
> act, because I have my conscience clean... all of you too? (those who
> are working to ignore this)
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> I'm really tired of this behavier. People acting like contributors
> should do things measurable just for one of us and not for all of us.
> This was something I was talking with Mel Chua (and now I think you
> understand now why I said some things related to this issues) and I,
> María Gracia Leandro, I'm not perfect, I don't have 10 years helping
> fedora, but I do know something... I'm here because I want to help, and
> I'm doing it (sometimes slowly, yes... but I never stop) and I'm tired
> of being stop.
> If this is happening to me, how many times has happened to some other
> contributors? are we loosing people because "we don't do what _someone_
> think is right?"
> Like I said in my FAmSCo statement... I'm a fighter, and I'm here to
> help people who really need someone to speck things that never are said.
> Someone has to...
> Sorry for bring this up, but I really think this was necessary
> --
> Fedora-mktg-brazil mailing list
> Fedora-mktg-brazil at redhat.com
> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-mktg-brazil


Rodrigo Padula de Oliveira
Fedora Community Manager - Latin America
Red Hat Community and Academy Relations

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