example of buildsys rpm

seth vidal skvidal at linux.duke.edu
Tue Apr 11 08:07:34 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 13:22 -0500, Clark Williams wrote:
> Attached is a new specfile that creates three binary RPMs:
> buildsys-base, buildsys-minimal, and buildsys-build. This one doesn't
> include the specfile as payload and is somewhat cleaned up.

1. okay - as panu was so kind to point out - we don't need 3 packages,
really. - just one
2. I made the changes in mock cvs to have it install via a package of
the above style - the config option is chroot_dep_package
3. what other patches need to go into mock before we release 0.5?
  - the one's I know about but wouldn't mind a reference to are:
    a. /dev/std* patch
    b. unpackaged-files failures

I'd like to get this part of the fixes for mock out of the way this week
so we can go forth into the bright future without worrying about
anything we broke :)


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