example of buildsys rpm

seth vidal skvidal at linux.duke.edu
Tue Apr 11 08:28:31 UTC 2006

> 1. okay - as panu was so kind to point out - we don't need 3 packages,
> really. - just one
> 2. I made the changes in mock cvs to have it install via a package of
> the above style - the config option is chroot_dep_package
> 3. what other patches need to go into mock before we release 0.5?
>   - the one's I know about but wouldn't mind a reference to are:
>     a. /dev/std* patch

        1. the patch submitted to fix this is definitely in mock cvs
        2. it is not entirely clear if this patch fixes the problem.

>     b. unpackaged-files failures
        1. the patch to fix this is definitely in cvs
        2. it is not entirely clear if this patch fixes the problem

So here's what I think needs to happen:

1. Clark: could you modify your buildsys rpm so that it produces a
single package named buildsys-build and could you check that spec file
into mock cvs, since it will be handy there?
2. let's make a mock 0.5 release so we don't have any confusion over
outstanding problems and test out that release before we deploy to the

In order to take advantage of a new mock that does NOT use the groups
stuff we will need:
  1. the new buildsys-build package on the buildgroups location
  2. all the config files updated and tested for the various platforms
we are concerned with
  3. some not-terribly-complex tests to make sure it is building

Then once we deploy it to the builders we need to test it make sure it

Is there anything I'm missing or forgetting about doing for all of this?


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