redhat-rpm-config and circular dependencies

Vít Ondruch vondruch at
Wed Sep 2 15:26:57 UTC 2015

Dne 2.9.2015 v 16:58 Colin Walters napsal(a):
> Because Fedora is a self-hosted system, circular dependencies are a fact of life.  Self-hosted compilers and the like will always exist.  
> But I think the circular BR nature of redhat-rpm-config and macro packages is unnecessary self-inflicted pain.  Currently, I am trying to backport (into a downstream distribution) the introduction of go-srpm-macros into redhat-rpm-config:
> Yet because redhat-rpm-config itself is pulled into the build root for go-srpm-macros, it introduces a circular build dependency.
> I could imagine external ways out of this (try dropping the BR of rrc for go-srpm-macros externally), but it would seem to me to be a lot saner just to include the macros themselves in redhat-rpm-config.
> Thoughts?  (Is this the right list?)

I still don't think that go-srpm-macros are really necessary and
complained about it in this thread:


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