[FZH] FUDCon 工作进展 (dongfengweixiao)

杜宏羽 dongfengweixiao at gmail.com
Sun Apr 27 13:34:13 UTC 2014

各位,本周的 #Fedora-zh 会议上,对组织者进行的了明确的分工,此邮件线索记录我的工作过程.

zsun dongfengweixiao Query how other fedora community/FUDCon/FLOCK manage
finacial sponsorship or offer receipts for sponsorship, especially how Red
Hat was involved


diseng cicku dongfengweixiao Leave possible place for sponsorship on poster

我可以知道当前预设的 poster 有哪些吗?通常来说,可以在这些地方设置:

   - 提包
   - 手环
   - 胸卡带
   - 宣传彩页
   - 易拉宝
   - 微博墙(?)
   - 小纪念品

dongfengweixiao Ask Red Hat and tonghuix for help on possible sponsorship

昨天我已经和 @tonghuix  电话沟通,在Red Hat 那边因为是邮件地址,我会在明天的工作时段与其联系

dongfengweixiao share sponsor docs with others

稍后我会共享 docs

dongfengweixiao Query Infrastructure for FUDCon Beijing mailbox alias.

我查看了 https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/3309页面,似乎里面的讨论仅仅是集中在怎样的地址更加合适,那如果这样,是不是有必要申请一个
fp.org 的域名就无所谓了.

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