RFC: Cloud Interop FAD

Andy Grimm agrimm at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 16:30:16 UTC 2012

Overall, I definitely like the idea of developing $PaaS on $IaaS
narratives for Fedora, as we so often see that people using a cloud
don't architect their apps for a cloud.  Anything we can do to promote
"proper" cloud apps is a good thing.

I don't know much about Openshift yet, but wonder if the FAD agenda
should narrow it even more to start with -- I know OpenShift is
designed to support multiple languages / frameworks, and perhaps it
makes sense to start with one.  In other words, the FAD goal is make
sure that Fedora has a full narrative for setting up $IaaS and getting
all the way to, say, a running Django app.  At that point,
substituting another framework is probably just a matter of pointing
to another OpenShift example in github or the OpenShift docs.

(As you know, due to the proposed timeframe for this event, I'll be
unlikely to travel for it.  If it happens to be in NC, I'll attend in
person; otherwise I'll participate remotely.)


On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 2:16 AM, Garrett Holmstrom
<gholms at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> Hi, Everyone,
> Now that a lot of cloud software is in or on its way into Fedora, I wonder
> how easy it is to actually make use of it.  We seem to have installation
> guides, but not much about how to actually employ the cloud to do something
> useful.  For instance, now that OpenShift is on the feature list, Fedora's
> Cloud Guide could use some recipes for OpenShift images on, say, OpenStack
> and Eucalyptus.
> So in the interest of Getting Things Done, I suggest that we gather for a
> high-bandwidth Fedora Activity Day to work on recipes for making the various
> bits of cloud software in Fedora work in concert (i.e. for making $PaaS work
> on $IaaS), and fix whatever bugs we encounter during the process.
> Which of you are interested in attending such an event?  What would you like
> to work on there?  Specific goals are the most important thing to have when
> planning a FAD to make the day the most likely to result in something
> useful.
> What do you all think?
> --
> Garrett Holmstrom
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