Process to Create New Cloud Images?

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Fri Mar 14 14:57:45 UTC 2014

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 08:29:09PM +0900, Sandro red Mathys wrote:
> I see we're now using the spin-kickstarts git, but do we also follow
> the usual Spin SIG processes?

Dennis moved the kickstart, but there was no real discussion about process.
I think, actually, we need to develop our own processes here. And we can
talk with rel-eng about how that interacts with the spins process.

> Or, to rephrase that: How do I start working on the Docker Host image?
> I know, all the big changes are still up for discussion but I'd rather
> be ready early so the actual work can start as soon as we know where
> we're going.

Sounds awesome. I guess the best way is to find the lightest process we can
to get the kickstart into the spins repo and added to the list of
automatically built images.

> Also, how is a kickstart file turned into an image (most notably
> automated nightly rawhide builds)? Do I open a ticket with rel-eng or
> is there some other process?

Yeah, a rel-eng ticket is probably best. There is a cron script which kicks
it off. Currently, it's a "create appliance" task. When we get the Koji 1.9
release and the ability to use its new functionality, we'll want to port it
(both the cron tasks and the kludges in the kickstart) to use the
anaconda/oz/imagecreator-based koji tasks. Hopefully RSN.

Matthew Miller    --   Fedora Project    --    <mattdm at>

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