Atomic 2 week releases

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Wed Mar 11 01:02:34 UTC 2015

On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 06:37:28PM -0400, Josh Boyer wrote:
> Please consider this in-depth.  A Spin might sound good for a number
> of reasons and those might be the most important factor.  However at
> the moment with Atomic being a deliverable of the Cloud Edition, its
> placement in the various websites and promotion is rather high.  The
> Spins are not at the same level as the Editions in terms of reach and
> impact.  Atomic could make its own promotion through various means,
> but is not going to list Workstation, Server,
> Cloud, and Atomic if it moves to a Spin.

So, following the parallel thread on the CentOS devel list...

I think part of this decision fits into how ready we are to promote
Fedora Atomic as a user solution as opposed to a development / hacking
target. If it's still mostly the former, it might be _better_ to not
over-promote it in that way.

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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