FESCo/FPB vote counting

Brian Pepple bpepple at fedoraproject.org
Sun Aug 12 12:57:50 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-08-12 at 10:21 +0200, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> Where are the numbers for the most recent elections?

Here's the numbers for the last election.

107 Voters

 vote_count |   id   | human_name         |       email
         89 | 100045 | Bill Nottingham    | notting at redhat.com
         85 | 100351 | Jesse Keating      | jkeating at redhat.com
         82 | 100036 | Jeremy Katz        | katzj at redhat.com
         81 | 100061 | Tom Callaway       | tcallawa at redhat.com
         69 | 100158 | Jason Tibbitts     | tibbs at math.uh.edu
         69 | 100012 | Brian Pepple       | bdpepple at ameritech.net
         67 | 100103 | Dennis Gilmore     | dennis at ausil.us
         65 | 100073 | Warren Togami      | wtogami at redhat.com
         59 | 100115 | Joshua W. Boyer    | jwboyer at jdub.homelinux.org
         53 | 100037 | Kevin Fenzi        | kevin at tummy.com
         51 | 100114 | Christian Iseli    | Christian.Iseli at licr.org
         51 | 100015 | Christopher Aillon | caillon at redhat.com
         43 | 100020 | David Woodhouse    | dwmw2 at redhat.com
         40 | 101110 | John Poelstra      | poelstra at redhat.com
         35 | 100527 | James Bowes        | jbowes at redhat.com

Brian Pepple <bpepple at fedoraproject.org>

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BD5E 6F9E 8688 E668 8F5B  CBDE 326A E936 810C C15E
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