Corporate Sponsorship RFC

Mike McGrath mmcgrath at
Tue Aug 14 23:41:23 UTC 2007

I'd like to find some additional sponsors for some of the projects we 
are working on in Infrastructure and I feel Fedora is at the point where 
a sponsorship framework is warranted.  This policy would be used by the 
Infrastructure team to negotiate with potential sponsors.  I want to 
offer a couple of options to be worked out between Fedora and the 
Sponsor and each offering should be simple and straight forward.  Below 
is a list of some options I'd like to formalize on the wiki.  Please 
comment or provide additional ideas.

1) A sponsorship page.  Those who offer bandwidth, hosting or machines 
get to place an icon on a page on the wiki.

2) Localized sponsorship.  Right now at the bottom of the wiki you'll 
notice a "powered by dell" logo.  We could fairly easily devise a way to 
add icons to various parts of our website.  For example, if a user 
happens to hit the website in a japanese colo, they would see a 
"services provided by" next to the dell logo.  There's a few ways to get 
fancy with this but still make it compelling to contribute resources for 
potential sponsors.  This is very analogous to the way our mirrors work 
(for example)

3) White paper.  This one is my favorite.  Lets say we'd like to roll 
out some global build infrastructure.  We could offer to put the powered 
by on the build website but then also have one of the project managers 
write a white paper, in great detail "This is how Bit Company A helped 
us build a complete global build system".  It basically gives a complete 
technology overview on how cool Fedora is and how easy it was to do it 
on "This server from this company." You get the idea.  Obviously this 
would be for larger projects.

Additionally I'm working on what we can take, who to contact and how to 
manage all of that.



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