Fedora Plasma Product, feedback please

Christian Schaller cschalle at redhat.com
Fri Mar 28 10:01:52 UTC 2014

----- Original Message -----
> Hi
> On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 5:05 AM, Christian Schaller wrote:
> As a sidenote, in the FESCO notes there was a suggestion to the board to make
> a KDE spin blocking once we
> switch to the Products releases. I strongly object to this idea. It
> undermines the whole idea
> of having the product focus in the first place and creates a precedent for
> spins being more than
> unofficial community efforts to highlight various technologies and ideas.
> You are trying to establish a new precedent here. Spins have always been
> official efforts approved explicitly by the Fedora Board (as opposed to
> remixes) and not merely unofficial tech demos. KDE has been deemed to be
> release blocking for a long time as well. If you want that to change, it
> should be a separate proposal
The premise for the 3 products was a move away from the exact model of 'Fedora' being 
a random collection of spins and instead have 3 clearly defined products. Turning back 
the clock here to the old spins model is a change to the premise of the 3 product model.


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