Next meeting! Monday March 16th at 17:00 UTC, #fedora-meeting

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Wed Mar 11 13:27:00 UTC 2015

Hi everyone! The first council IRC meeting went well, and while I still 
hope to not be meeting-driven overall, it looks like we have some
momentum going and there was interest in doing it again sooner rather  
than later, so we will have a second meeting this coming Monday, March
16th, at 17:00 UTC (1pm US/Eastern). This will again be an IRC meeting 
in the #fedora-meeting channel on Freenode.

I'll send out an agenda Monday morning -- if you have items you want on
that agenda, reply here. We discussed eventually going to a cadence of
alternating between ongoing work items and reports / presentations on
specific topics and subprojects. That seems like a great plan to me and
I'll work on figuring out the specifics.

I'd like to keep to an hour timeslot, too. That means that in meetings
not dedicated to a specific topic, we probably only have a few minutes
per item. To make those minutes meaningful, we should use them to find
points of agreement or identify blockers to getting there, and then
identify responsible council members (or others) to work out those
issues outside the meeting. If we try to hash everything out in IRC,
it's going to be a three-hour meeting every time.

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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