[Design-team] Hello

Patrick Dunn pdunn5 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 00:46:20 UTC 2012


Just wanted to introduce myself to the list and hope to contribute to the
design-team.  While I'm not a graphic artist I do have experience at
website and art design through my day job for the past 20 years.  I have
quite a bit of experience with Gimp (use to compile it to run it back in
the slackware days) and Inkscape and use both professionally and personally
daily.  While I don't have a super amount of time I figured I might be able
to contribute.  I also have a wallpaper to contribute and I'm not sure how.
 It's of a picture I took 7 years ago of a climatis flower that we grew in
our garden and looks nice.

Patrick Dunn
Web Developer/Ham Radio Operator
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