Drop start.fedoraproject.org in favour of about:home

Elad Alfassa elad at fedoraproject.org
Sun Oct 7 00:20:11 UTC 2012

On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 2:10 AM, Martin Sourada <martin.sourada at gmail.com>wrote:

> But lets look at the current one first. What's in:
> 1. search -- superfluous, current web browsers have search integrated
>    in their UIs and in my experience people use it
True. Furthermore having a Google powered search as a fedora branded page
doesn't really fit with the project values, because Google is not open

> 2. fedora planet posts -- that's what default configs of rss readers
>    should include, why duplicating it in a web browser?
Excellent point. Plus, we have the planet in the default bookmark set

> 3. announcements -- well this one's hard, the mailing list probably
>    does not have a rss feed, or does it?
Actually, every mailing list has an RSS feed, that's  how we get the
announcements on start.fpo :)

> 4. a bunch of links -- can be better managed with initial speed dial
>    config
Or better set of default bookmarks.

> Furthermore, since major players in the browser feed are already using
> speed dial (chrome by default, firefox for new tabs), people are most
> likely used to that.

> There's only one thing that bugs me a little. One of the biggest sources
> of traffic on my blog is from start.fedorapeople.org (even more than
> from the planet itself) so what we are discussing *might* not reflect
> the real state of things, actually... Are there any statistically
> significant data (I realize one low-traffic blog is not statistically
> significant) regarding the real-world usage of start.fp.o?
I don't know if we have any statistics, I never bothered to find out. if
someone has them,  it's probably the infrastructure team.

> Cheers,
> Martin
> --
> desktop mailing list
> desktop at lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/desktop

My suggestion after reading this long discussion:
We should have a first-run page which Firefox will show after you install
After that, it should show the default upstream start page.

For other browsers and/or people who prefer to use it, we will keep
start.fpo (maybe redesign it to look better) and anyway have start.fpo as
part of the set of default bookmarks.

Sounds reasonable?
-Elad Alfassa.
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