LISA conference, Fedora, and the sysadmin use case.

Bastien Nocera bnocera at
Thu Nov 14 14:56:52 UTC 2013


----- Original Message -----
>   - need for better multi-monitor support

We already have a redesigned Settings panel for external displays in F20. We'd probably
need to get more into specifics here (how many monitors, whether they're completely
static, where the main monitor is, and whether the problem is usage after the desktop
is setup, or really problems in setting up a specific layout).

>   - handling of many multiple terminal windows

Your advice of an extension is probably best in the short term. There are a
number of them, including tiling ones that are probably the sort of thing people
running loads of terminals would use.

> One specific complaint I heard several times is that the overview just gives
> a wall of rectangles -- I introduced those people to the Native Window
> Placement extension. That's getting into the details, though.

That's probably something that needs more detailed bug reports as well. The answer
would be quite different if the problem was loads of applications, loads of
applications in terminals, or just loads of terminals, for example. And the solutions
might not all be directly in gnome-shell changes either.


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